Jan 11, 2009 13:56
It was like a small knife in my heart when I asked Erin who she was going
to DC tonight with..
"Jenn .. .. and Shauna."
I guess it hurt me so much and nearly knocked me off my feet because it's the first time
since Shauna is here that the 3 of them are hanging out, not at a bar, so close to my house.
Without me. I wasn't invited. I feel so left out. I feel so.. alone.
Who made the plans? Who said "the 3 of us should go for coffee"?
It hurts me so much to know that my name wasn't even mentioned.
All because I fucking like (she doesn't even know i'm WITH shane).
It can't be normal, we can't all hang out, and she can't "be my best friend right now"
Yeah, it's a LOT more complicated than this, I've never written of any of it..
but it makes me sick.
I can't go to Shane's to watch the football game with him, because she will probably
stop by to see her dad and dog..
he can't come here because Erin is taping something on tv..
so I get to sit in my room and probably think about how much they're laughing
only a few yards away from me.. i'll probably end up crying more..
sitting alone, watching friends. Hating that I have school in the morning.
It sucks.
Maybe I'll go out myself.
To the mall. Or Barnes and Noble or something.
Wow. I'm done feeling sorry for myself.
Besides, it's my fault. I caused this whole over dramatic, bullshit, fucked up situation,
all because I like some boy that treats me like GOLD.