(no subject)

Jan 02, 2006 19:10

They say that the way you spend New Year's Eve is the way you're going to spend the rest of the year. So I'm really glad that I got to spend it with people I love. But I think it's too much pressure on one night to change your ways and make resolutions and all of the things that are expected of you on New Year's Eve. Not because it's not beneficial to do all of those things, but just because it's expected. So I personally didn't make any resolutions. I'll just get depressed when I give up on them.

And sadly, Winter Break has come to an end. I remember it being 2 weeks one year. That was such a great idea. We should've kept it that way. But I had a lot of fun. Okay I'll update you on everything I've done so far this year. Like I said, or kind of said, New Year's Eve was with most of my friends at MJ's. It's really weird when you think you know people and then find out that you don't at all. So for the very first day of the year, I did crazy amounts of homework and then went to Victoria's at night. We talked for about an hour hahaha about life and stuff, then played Sceneit Television. I kicked ass for the third time. I haven't lost a game yet. Muahahaha! Anyway, then I forced her to listen to Rent. But that's okay because she likes it. And then we remenisced our lives by watching the New Year's OC episode, which is really adorable, I must say. So yes. Good times. Today was pretty lame. Actually scratch that. Incredibly lame. I woke up at 1 (Yeah I know. Smart move.) and did homework until 6ish. Oh I just realized no one cares. Okay that was the most unnecessarily detailed paragraph, so I'll stop now.
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