werd schools almost over

Jun 15, 2005 12:13

yeah so its been a while since i've updated, school is out in 6 days, i can't wait! monday we start taking our finals..that should be fun. NOT! this school is so fucking hot because they dont know how to use the AC right and we have to sit here and suffer, while we take our like 2 hour finals. but what ever i just can't wait to finally be out of school. this week can't go by quick enough, hopefully next week is a bit quicker, we have half days and i dont even have to go in on tuesday because i have a study hall and then my other algebra class, and on thursday i get to leave early. so yeah.

this friday i'm planing on going to mel's party, and kevin might come up, which is even cooler because i havn't seen him in like 3 years. then saturday theres this really good show playing at the moose loadge, which i'm planing on going to. maybe tori will come.

mike isn't going to be here from friday till sunday, which really sucks, i'll miss him alot. he's so awesome, haha and we have like so much fun with each other, that again is another reason i can't wait till summer cuz we can hang out non stop and jsut to crazy shit hahahhaha like throw shit at people from trees and walk all over wallingford and meriden cursing at random people. haha this summer is going to be simply amazing ♥

after school mike is supposed to be coming over and then we're both going to victorias to bake cookies. mmmm haha.

i'll try to update again soon ♥

jaime lynn
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