dasdeasfase fuckyou!!!

Jun 29, 2003 13:30

xcomedyofchristx: my brother just told me a story about work yesterday
xcomedyofchristx: he works at a vet
johncusackrules: right..
xcomedyofchristx: and someone brought in a chocholate lab
xcomedyofchristx: and they said that it had been lying around and whining
xcomedyofchristx: so, they put it in the kennel to do some tests on it
xcomedyofchristx: and its stomach started to bloat up
xcomedyofchristx: and so they took it out of its pen and put it on the table
xcomedyofchristx: and it started to whine and it just laid down
johncusackrules: oh ym god
johncusackrules: :-\
xcomedyofchristx: and like 5 minutes later, they heard this boom from the other room (where the dog was).
johncusackrules: awww oh no
xcomedyofchristx: and the fucking dogs stomach exploded
xcomedyofchristx: the vet said it ate a whole lot of food, and it didnt have any water
johncusackrules: that makes me so sad. i have a black lab.
xcomedyofchristx: and like.. its stomach couldnt handle it or something
johncusackrules: holy shit.
xcomedyofchristx: so it just exploded
xcomedyofchristx: and its eyes like got sucked into its head
xcomedyofchristx: im SURE there is something more to it, like it had a stomach problem, but thats all my brother told me
johncusackrules: ewww
johncusackrules: thats so sad that it died that way
xcomedyofchristx: i know
xcomedyofchristx: i bet it was painful
johncusackrules: no kidding


wthdreams: i wish my dog would do that
xcomedyofchristx: aww.
xcomedyofchristx: your poor dog
xcomedyofchristx: im going to steal your dog
wthdreams: dont
xcomedyofchristx: why not?
wthdreams: im trying to end its life as soon as possible
xcomedyofchristx: you're going to kill it
xcomedyofchristx: but i dont want it to die
xcomedyofchristx: why do you want it to die?
wthdreams: it deserves to
wthdreams: b/c its old and annoying as fuck
xcomedyofchristx: when you get old and annoying as fuck im going to kill you
wthdreams: good
wthdreams: id kill myself when that happens
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