Ew, why do I do these?!

Aug 14, 2008 00:02

How many texts are in your inbox?
I don't know, iPhones do texts differently than the rest.

When did your last hug take place?
Yesterday, I hugged Michael before I left. It was his last day at Lanmar.

Are you a very jealous person?
Not even a little bit. Jealousy is for gheys.

Are you tired right now?
Pretty tired, yea.

Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
More than 48. Maniac.

Do you like to cuddle?
Depends on who it's with I suppose.

What should you be doing right now?
Sleeping, of course.

Are you a heavy sleeper?
Depends. Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not. I guess it depends on how tired I am.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?
I've done it. Twice.

Are you mad at someone right now?
I should be, but I think he's mad at me instead? Haha, weirdest friendship EVER.

Do you believe in love?
I suppose so.

Have you ever stayed up all night while drunk?
Many many many times.

What makes you laugh no matter what?
Watching the video of Aniya singing Camp Rock. Seriously, I've been dying tonight.

Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past month?
Month? Be real. Of course I have.

Who was the last person you talked to in person?
Jesse, before I left work?

Name one person on your top friends who is the most like you?
Alicia Marie.

Will you get married?
Eventually, probably?

When was the last time you smiled?
2 minutes ago?

Who was the first person you talked to today?
Either Robert or Maura.

Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Alicia, Daniela and Jesse.

What are you NOT looking forward to?
Waking up and going to the freakin' bank tomorrow. Then working all day. Dammit.

Is your MySpace set to private?
Maybe. I don't know. Probably.

Do you currently have any bruises on your body?
Yes, I am by far the least graceful person on the planet.

Are you wearing a bandaid?
I should be, I stabbed myself in the thumb with a staple :(

What are you doing?
This, talking to my sister and thinking about cigarettes and bedtime.

Who are you closest to in your family?
My mom and sister.

Do you know anyone in jail?
Not currently.

Do you have or want any tattoos?
I have lots.

Are your nails painted?
Of course they are.

Have you deleted the messages in your inbox lately?
Texts? Uhh, I may have deleted some today?

What do you usually have for dinner?
Taco Bell? Haha, no. I make food more often than not nowadays.

What are you wearing as of right now?
CA shorts and a beater. Per usual.

Do you get along with guys?
Much better than I get along with girls.

Do you take a daily vitamin or medication?
One-a-day and usually allergy meds but I'm out :(

What are you looking forward to in the next month or so?
Really? Let's go over my next Month.
Friday through Sunday I'll be in Virginia.
Monday I have a meeting at the Marriott in Mystic.
Tuesday Marty and I are going out for a drink.
That weekend I believe I'm staying with Sebastian.
The 23rd is Aniya's birthday.
The 5th-7th of September I'm going with Kim to Cape Cod for her 21st Bday.
The 10th-12th I'm going to Hyannis, Ma with Jesse for an IFBOA convention.
The night of the 12th I'm taking Linz out for her 21st Bday.
Then my birthday is the 21st.


Where is the person you want most?
Want? Be easy.

Where will you be 2 hours from now?
Sleeping in my bed.

Can you make yourself sneeze?
No. And I would never want to.

What are you doing tomorrow?
Bank, work, packing, Panch and Alicia, home to probably pack for real since I won't do it before I leave, sleeping and then driving to the freakin' airport at 5:30 am.

Are you easily confused?
Not usually.

Where were you at 9am this morning?
Work. Well, almost at work :P

Everything happens for a reason?
Maybe. Who knows.

When is the last time you saw number 1 on your top friends?
UGH. Before she left for Hatteras. But I'll be peepin' her shit tomorrow ;)

What are you listening to right now?
I don't know, some shit on tv. Not diggin' it.

How has the week been?
Fabulous :)

Anything you wish you could tell someone?
The time will come :)

Do you sleep with the TV on?
No, I hate that shit. Music, all the way.

Have you ever wanted to be a firefighter?
No thanks.

Are you signed onto AIM?
Sure am!

What are you stressed out about?
At the moment, nothing. Everything is going smoothly :)

Do you have anything in your pockets right now?
No pockets betch.

How many windows are open on your computer?

In the past week have you gotten sick?
Nope. I've been terribly healthy lately! Except my allergies, but they don't count.

In the past week have you gotten your hair cut?
I need a trim and highlights SO badly.

How many profile views do you have?
Really? What a lame question. Uhh, 67,252.


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