Lots of happenings, and no time to hesitate.
No time to update either.. or why update ? when i could be sleeping. this one is for Tom Redfearn, who expects too much of me; Tom, I hope you can follow this.
I did have a Harry Potter Weekend with my amazing & generous friend Margaret plus special guests Felicia & Liz, featuring Marcus, Paige, and their slew of Furman Paladins who only half count because they made things interesting with pony-rides to the bathroom one night and were generous enough (in mind) to say that they "would be more than happy to pay for [my] WIlly Wonka movie ticket", but let Margaret take the bill when we actually went to the movie. She is such my sugar mama and i love her.
*[Tom, it would be your lucky day to meet her... you'd totally like her humor and approve of her political commentary (if she ever offered it..some other lucky day)].
Okay? so that was a great weekend, and book six is monumental. however, i may not discuss that here because my sister would be t.o.'d to stumble upon book spoilers, and i am too lazy to write my theorems under a cut. REVIEWING KARAOKE, i will do:
not 5 minutes post arrival, my sister was performing Camel Toe by Fanny Pack, and it was awesome awesome awesome. Just What i Needed, which by the way was performed by one Matty Shep... who is sometimes just what a girl needs, so cute. but then there are super humans like Merwan & Kipper who rape (sometimes literaly) the mic... or each other, but what i mean to say is that such baba-kids know how to karaoke real fun like. that is why i am doing it again tomorrow night at Overtime, just as long as it's free.
i'm including this Eva Balthus painting Therese Dreaming .
it's me, reflecting on the Half-Blood Prince, karaoke, and all the cute boys coming down for sahavas.
after much reflection, karaoke, and ron weasley, i have concluded that cute boys simply make life much better. but other things help too: such as an incredible new apartment in Charleston, a free skateboard, some new underwear, mom paying my cell phone bill, avocados, family, and this song by the Decemberists.
that's all i had to say.
love, Jenny
[oh yeah, i'm back from new york]