Quickie Wednesday

Feb 22, 2006 10:39


My quickie posts are never really quickie...

Was late getting to work today. Hubby is ill at home (headache, stomachache, sore throat). We had major homework blues last night, so in order to study a bit more, I took the boys to school. I also had to take the youngest to preschool - my mom's car wheels were locked(?). So she couldn't get him there. I also forgot to drop lunch money off for the accounts at the older boys' school, so I ended up driving around the building after dropping them off, writing the check and going in to drop it in the office (son 3 reminded me as he was getting out of the van at the drop off door -- nice). By the time I got back to the van, I realized if I went on into work with youngest, I'd only be there a half hour before I'd have to turn around and come back past where I was to take Ben to school. So I called in and came in at 9:15.

Since the hubby's home, he should be able to get the boys off the bus, so I won't have to leave too early.

Got to watch a bit of Olympic Hockey live yesterday after I got home from work. That was fun. I wish there was more live coverage of the games and I wish you could watch it live on the internet. So far I've not found much live coverage, which has been a bummer. Even at 2 AM when I was up with my foot last week, I couldn't find anything live or new -- the stuff NBC was running was the same coverage they had ran at 8 the night before (because I saw the same stuff twice). Really kind of annoying.

And yay Sasha! I hadn't been following the skating much at all, but did follow yesterday's women's short program obsessively closely. Very lovely program. And yay to the US Ice Dancing Team for their Silver Medal!

And I'm a bit annoyed at Shani Davis and Chad Hedrick of Speed Skating. Take the feud out of the public eye for land's sake. I've heard enough about how Chad is disappointed that Shani didn't do the relay, and how Chad didn't shake Shani's hand after his (Shani's) gold medal win, but Shani shook Chad's hand after his (Chad's) gold medal win. Honestly, I don't care if y'all kiss and make up, I don't care if y'all can't stand each other. Don't bring it up in a news conference. I think you're both acting like spoiled rotten brats.

Science Fair update: May fly paper airplanes tonight with son 2-- the weather is nice outside, with no snow and dry conditions. So, it would be a good afternoon to get some of our flights out of the way. And my eldest is on day 8 of data collection for his science fair! Whoo Hoo! Once we get the data collected, we'll start the show boards.

And I wrote yesterday!  Whoo Hoo!  I got about 4 pages done on my R/T pregnancy fic.  Not the one I wanted to write on, but hey, I wrote.  Not sure if I'll keep it -- wasn't terribly stellar writing on my part, but it's a start.

And the foot is sort of at a standstill on healing.  It still hurts, and is a bit swollen and well, just sort of stalling out.  Will watch another couple days, then get the thing X-rayed if it doesn't start getting better again.  I don't have time for it to be broke.  I have informed the foot of that.

Off to do some work.

children, science fair, life, writing, injury, fanfiction, olympics

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