Minutemen in Seattle this Saturday

Mar 28, 2006 21:57

The Minutemen are coming!

Let's show them that we don't tolerate hate groups in
our community!

Here's how you can help:

Join us for a counterdemonstration.
When: April 1, 2006
7:00 am -11:00 am --- first shift
10:00 am - 1:00 pm - shift two

Where: CASA Latina Day Workers' Center
2330 Western Ave (Western and Battery
in Belltown, Seattle)

How to dress: Dress in work clothes to show your solidarity
with day laborers.

We expect them to go to a Home Depot in the Seattle area
between 7:00 am and noon next Saturday April 1st. Come to the CASA Latina
Workers' Center to breakfast on Mexican sweet breads and coffee, to
receive an orientation and to wait for word on where they show up. Once
they show up at a site, we will all drive out there to show our
solidarity with day laborers and our intolerance of hate groups in our


Be a legal observer: Help insure that everyone's rights are
respected. Legal observers will receive special training before
Saturday. Contact Sarah Leyrer if you want to be a legal observer

On April 1, 2006 the Minutemen are planning to intimidate day
laborers and their employers by taking photos of them and putting them
up on their web site, www.operationshameonyou.org They make the
assumption that all Latino men are undocumented and that a picture of
hiring a Latino man is enough evidence that an employer is doing
something illegal. This assumption is racist and hateful. Being a
Latino man looking for work is not evidence of crime!

For more information contact CASA Latina at 206 956-0779 or
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