GACKT's 44th birthday was on July 4th, and to mark the day he had a few birthday parties! First up were two birthday events with his fans. These events were held at the Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa in Shinagawa, Tokyo, and all of GACKTJOB were there to help GACKT celebrate!
I was waiting for some pro shot photos from the event before doing this post, but there haven't been any, so all of these photos are from the social media of GACKT, GACKTJOB and OGYD.
Yes, OGYD sent flowers!
I have a report with a few more photos in my LJ here > GACKT marked the day in his own way by posting on Instagram.
I turned to be 44 today. I got a lot of wonderful messages. Thanks everyone!
After the parties with the fans, GACKT had a private party that ran throught the night, that he dubbed 'the tequila birthday party from hell'.
It was drunken me from the tequila birthday party....
After the party, GACKT was woken up by his staff who had a birthday surprise for him.
As well as dressing up, they bought him a wine bottle opener.
Now that Gakuensai has finished and GACKT's birthday has passed, GACKT has once again headed out of Japan.
Sources -
GACKT Blog /
GACKT Blog /
GACKT Blog /
GACKTstagram /
GACKTstagram /
Kohta Tanabe blog /
Madoka Instagram /
@Satos_Cafe_Bar /
@Satos_Cafe_Bar /
@Satos_Cafe_Bar /
@shinnosu1969 /
@shinnosu1969 /
TAKUMI Instagram /
Val Instagram /
Val Instagram /
YOU Facebook Thanks to everyone who sent in messages for the birthday book! It came out really well this year, so I was really happy! I sent GACKT an Instagram DM about the book, which he read, so he does know about it... But, he's already out of the country and it takes time for things to get to him (he gets so much stuff!) so I don't expect him to have looked at anything yet. I think it'll have to wait until he comes back to Japan, whenever that is!