Hello fellow Dears.
In this moment of great sadness, the news of the charity project promoted by our GACKT moved me immensely.
I spent the whole night thinking of a project that can be nice, and of course useful to this mission.
I discussed this with some people and they seemed positive about it.
Idea under here. Please take a look! )
I put one week, but I agree, the sooner the better!!
Yes, I am of the same idea, but doing rushed things maybe is even worse? :/
Thanks for everything!
Oh, and btw - I read your last message, THANK YOU *hugs*
No problem, thanks for all the efforts you made~!!
You must be tired, hope you got some rest or you will soon, girl!
Anyway my clumsiness has no equal. I forgot to put a gackty userpic ;__;
That shows how tired you are~. ;__;
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