feminst classrooms

Dec 15, 2009 19:57

Moreover, if we openly construct our classroooms around the fact that we are feminist and that the course will occur within a feminist environment, we do not dupe our students into agreeing with us. Rather, we acknowledge how all reality is socially constructed and is, therefore, capable of transformation. In such an atmosphere, we should not fear that our authority will trick our students, for we will have declared our politics openly, yet we should also not fear influencing our students, because that is at least in part our goal as feminist teachers: to convince our students that we do in fact live in a world in which only particular social constructions that contain some ten percent of the population are valued(McIntosh, 1989, p.402), that we have in part been constituted by these constructions, but because they are constructions, they can be thrown off and a world that is more honoring and more accepting, more equitable and more loving can be achieved. p191.

Gunter, Kimberly K. “Authority is Not a Luxury.” Freirean Pedagogy, Praxis, and Possibilities. Ed. Stanley Steiner, H. Mark Krank and Peter McLaren. New York: Falmer Press, 2000. 185-192.
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