Mar 09, 2005 14:04
Comment and fill out
the mini-survey below (DO NOT EDIT THE SURVERY) If you do not comment
and tell me that you're adding me, I will not KNOW that you wanted to be
added, and therefore you will not be added. If any any point I UNADD you,
I expect you to do the same.
Name: Your name.
Age: Your age.
Fandoms: Things you obsess over.
Self-description: Well, a self description.
5-10 of your interests
What's in your journal: day reviews, deep critical emotion, pictures,
Last words: Anything else to say?
What's in your journal:
Last words:
These entries can get very emotional and subtle, very
deep and angsty and suicidal, graphic and disturbing, or they could very
well be wonderful and amazing and happy, or joyful. I have a lot of problems,
that I basically cause for myself, I know. But what is life without drama
anyway? Boring, yes, indeed. Everyone has drama, and this is mine.
- Megan
[EDIT:] 07/22/05 I've removed a lot of you from my friends
list. I just don't want you reading anymore. Please remove me from your
friends list if I have removed you. I will not re-add anybody.