Well, it doesn't rain but it pours.
- First, we manage to rent a house so we can move out of our apartment that we've been in for 6 years and there is no room for an infant in.
- So we're in the process of moving and packing up 6 years of detrius. Of course, none of it can be thrown out, so it will sit in boxes in our house until we move to yet another house and it will just multiply until one day 50 years from now, someone is going to wonder just why we saved brochures from a vacation we never took or half scribbled shopping lists.
- I have my NY bar admission interview on Monday, so please G-d, if I don't screw it up, I will actually, finally be an attorney who can practice law as opposed to someone with a JD who has wanted to practice but can't. Of course, this is provided I pass my character and fitness interview and I'm scared witless that I won't because of an address discrepancy on my present job affidavit and my application.
- Then of course, there is the baby. The one coming in a month that I am so unprepared for. I can't do much to shop/prep for the baby coming but mentally I mean. I am so not ready to start again with the nursing every 2 hours and the liquid diapers and the sleeplessness for reasons other than my insomnia. Oh well, I am going to have to get over it considering I have no choice in the matter :)
- Work is keeping me very busy. Of course, my boss hasn't given me a raise or told me for sure I will be working as an attorney once I get admitted. At this point, I'm just killing time until I go on leave and then will find a new position. That of course is a pain in the neck but it has to be done. It doesn't help that I spent all day putting out fires having to do with the other paralegal's files since she was out sick. I'm not sure whether to hope she's still out tomorrow so I don't have to deal with her bad moods which have been pretty bad this week or that she's in tomorrow so I can throw her files back at her. Of course, she'll just assume I'll finish the deals up so I'll be swamped and she'll be sitting there saying "I'm bored!!!!!!!!!"
- And so it goes. Of course, if I weren't so busy, I'd be bored, right?