
Aug 08, 2009 12:11

So New York was fun. I'll let my facebook photos speak for it. I'm not much of a writer.

Mad bug bites, but they're healing. It's humid and hot and rains randomly.

Apparently the thing to do here is go to bars. I still suck at drinking. I lack the enzymes. But it makes me a cheap date.

My sister is hilarious and awesome.

One night we stumbled home at 2am, crazy Barbara downstairs pulled a crowbar on her. Apparently she's sensitive to us stomping/stepping/tapping/dropping things on the floor, has work the next morning, and what does it take for our drunk asses to be quiet. She emphasized these points by grabbing the crowbar she apparently keeps under her pillow and smacking it in her hand at my sister's apartment door.

It was really cool though. New York, not crowbars.

I can taste the sodium in this pizza. There is a lot.
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