Okay, so yeah, thought I would post to say I am not dead or anything (although Padalecki's arms and back could leave anyone gasping for air) and thought I would say I will probably be offline for longer now, I see this whole thing exploding, I mean, fandom goes boom, screw the Lucifer apocalypse, SN Fangirls are a LOT more scary.
Anyways, I am really calm, I don't know what it is, I was telling Robyn, this is the first time that I have watched one of the 'to be continued' episodes in real time and NOT cursed the TV for it. I want to see what happens, don't get me wrong, but I am not like gonna freak out for the next seven days waiting for answers. I especially wanna see how the hell they explain the whole 'sex with the angel whisperer' thing Dean has going on, which I can't really figure out, it confuses me more than the sex with a demon thing Sam had going on, cause yeah....
Anyways, bravo to Kripke for finding a nice little loophole, so Sam wasn't raping anyone, and he wasn't sleeping with a corpse (I don't want to hear it at ALL if you have that to say, because it was mentioned more than once that her body wasn't dead, but her spirit was gone) Kripke is still Gawd, my faith is firmly in tact, shrine's getting bigger and bigger and I just love that he likes to piss off the fandom, we are the same in that respect.
Leaving comments open and you know, making this public, but if there is wank, I'll delete. I love my show, I love the lot of it, so if you don't take it somewhere else, don't bash. I am more than willing to discuss, but don't be disrespectful to the show or any of the writers/creators/producers and so on.
OH, and P.S. I could NOT stop laughing when Dean blamed Sammy for the knife getting lost in the middle of shit getting ready to rain down on them, I mean, what other show could pull that off?!
So, to sum up: Sam's fucking a demon, Deans fucking the Angel Whisperer and I am fucking going to bed :) Talk to y'all soon.