The setlist
I am pretty sure, after going back through all his CD's that this is complete, but everyone makes mistakes people, don't kill me if it is not and I am pretty sure it isn't in order:
- SCB Jam
- New Song (either didn't catch the title or he didn't give it yet)
- Safe to Say
- Hummingbird Billy
- What Goes Around Comes Around Cry Me a River SC Mix
- She's Not There
- Wasted Jamie
- The One that Got Away
- One Thing
- Don't Move On
- Non-Stop Lady
And the Story:
Extremely long story short? I got there, found him, called Carina, voiceposted, got a 'hey' in passing by the door, lost my nerve a thousand times, heard a new song, saw David Olivas in the audience, voiceposted, heard the Justin Timberlake remake, texted my Twin, voiceposted, got a dose of David Olivas on stage with Steve (from his band), voiceposted, got thanked by him (personally and generally) his father and met his kick ass cool mother, Squeed so high only dogs could hear, called Carina and squeed some more (annoyingly), text squeed my Twin, was fangirl avoidy *shifty eyes*, took many bad pictures on a dead camera battery and achieved my objective.
Summary: If you have a chance, ANY chance at all to meet/see Steve on stage? Do it, because he is one of the coolest people, and has the best music!! (And the most awesome parents!!)