ames1010 tagged me for this wrong!!! I may have cheated though, cause I know someone else was going to tag me for it, so the list has kinda been picked!
1. Compose a list of your top ten sexiest famous men.
2. Collect one picture of each guy on your list.
3. Post them in your journal/blog.
4. Tag 3 people to do the same.
WARNING: I am fickle, the order is NOT in sequence, it changes and the picks themselves may change at any time :P
10. Jensen Ackles
9. Ryan Gosling
8. Ryan Reynolds
7. James Marsters (I know that he doesn't have the blonde hair anymore, but he oozes sex in this pic so deal)
6. Tom Welling
5. Jeffrey Dean Morgan
4. Jared Padalecki
3. Joshua Jackson
2. Steve Carlson
1. David Boreanaz
Not tagging anyone, you want to do it, go ahead :)
May be explain-y/spammy later with RL drama, but I feel icky, so I am gonna go nap...yeah, the vamp is napping cause of all the stuff running through my head, go figure that...