Sad Day

Nov 08, 2010 22:46

So, my dog had to be put down today. He hasn't been walking on his hind leg for like a week and he's not been himself for about 6 weeks. Well, my Dad took him to the vet today (I happened to be at work, but it was last minute, so it isn't anyone's fault) and they took x-rays and found bone cancer in his hind leg. My Dad said it looked like moss over his bone, and the doctor said it is aggressive cancer usually only takes about two months to get to this point. Also said that he was in a lot of pain. My Dad was going to bring him home so that I could say goodbye and whatnot and take him back in the morning to be put down, but decided that would be just too mean- to draw it out. He said he could see it in Rocky's face that he knew.

And my Dad being my Dad, brought him home so that we could bury him next to his Dad (my Dad's favorite dog, Jack). So, there I am, right after work getting the bomb dropped on me that my dog has died and that my Dad is in the back yard digging his grave. So, I go out there, and help him dig the hole, and he said I was the only one he would let help, cause Rocky was my dog to begin with (even if my Dad had been taking care of him pretty much for the last few years). Let me tell you, there are few things sadder than digging a grave for a pet that you loved. I did it for a cat I had that I only owned for a few months, but I've had Rocky for 11 years. It wasn't completely unexpected, cause he was old, especially for a big dog like a lab, but still, it hurts. He was, hands down, the best watchdog I've ever seen. And I may  be spamming you all with random stories about him, just to get them down, since it is my journal.

Now, I am wishing that I had a pic on here of him to post. But yeah, that's all I have for right now. After we buried him, we did a shot of Amaretto in his honor. I'll miss him, he was my little lovebug/protector. He totally had my back and loved me so much, it was wonderful, and HE was wonderful.

Well, lookee there, I found a pic of Duke and him in my Scrapbook (Rocky is on the right, in the back):

rl drabble, all about me

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