Sorry for the profanity in the title, but it just doesn't do any justice to go "F****N Summer!" WAY not the same.
So yeah, I DO NOT WANT as Jenny so eloquently portrays, this crappy crappy heat. Okay, so I live in the desert, and yes, I am used to heat, but this humidity shit that has popped up in the last week is unacceptable. I mean, its been MUGGY and HOT and just miserable. I mean, I am used to it being over 100 degrees in the summer here (yeah, EVERY year) but it is usually a DRY heat, which I can stand. But with this heat, I NEVER feel dry. I get out of the shower and the air is so thick and hot and wet that I never feel dry. I stood in front of a fan, thinking that would work, but the back that wasn't in the direct path of the fan was still all sticky. Ugh- probably TMI for you, but yeah, had to share this pic, cause it's how I feel.
And of course, because I thought it would be interesting to find out, I did the writer meme thing going around, and oddly enough, am like three different writers depending on what I am writing about.
This one I took one of the fanfic stories I wrote (no pairings, just plot type stuff) and I am like this writer:
I mean, he wrote The Catcher in the Rye, pretty impressive to write like that! And apparently was a recluse, which I joke that I am because I'd rather be at home reading than out at a bar partying :P
I used an excerpt from OurVerse (Backstory with strictly The BS in it) and I am like this writer:
Irony is I don't believe in the weird conspiracy things he writes about, BUT one of those book titles is 'Angels & Demons' which is SO on point for OurVerse, so I was pleased!
Um... used an excerpt from a porny story that I wrote upon the request of Marlboro Man, like a re-inactment of one of our trysts, and I got this writer:
This guy taught at the University of Pomona in Cali, so close to home and his book was on the top 100 of Time magazine, but I don't know who he is, nor have I read anything he's written, so yeah, I don't have much to say about him.
So go figure, same writer, three different um....types of stories, and BAM! Three famous writers I apparently emulate. Wasn't impressed with the last guys demise, but then again, I don't ever see the point of going out like that, so I don't really understand it.
Just curious, did ANYONE that took this get a female writer?
In other news, I seemed to have gotten a weird cold. Like, I was stuffy for a couple days, and then it hit me like a ton of bricks the day before yesterday after work, then I woke up yesterday and DAMN could barely move. And now it seems to be waning...well, kind of. I hope. Okay- going now...