Post, cause I'm back...relatively. I mean, I am kinda loving the offline life, so I doubt I'll be around as much, but I figured I would drop by and let ya'll know I am back in the land of internet :) I kinda miss the kitties though, well, Guiness at least, he was a hoot!
Also, I have a few things promised for people, so I may post again. But catch me up on the goings-on, who's gettin' laid out of all you guys? All that mumbo jumbo :) I feel out of the loop, but have been reading up a storm and watching movies I own but have never seen (See, Carina, I am making a small dent in them!)
My BFF's birthday is today, and as her present to me (you read that right) she gave me her cold, wonderful. So I feel like death warmed over, and I am taking all kinds of meds to try to knock it out ASAP. Also? All-Star baseball game tonight, which means Coney Island hot dogs for me!! I could give two shits about the game, LOL, but it is the one time a year my Dad makes Coney Island's and his are the closest to the 'Real Detroit' thing I can get.
Oh, also need to email a couple of you...well, my Wifey at least...hmm...
Also? I can barely watch a movie if Satan's Asshole (Vegas, for those of you that don't know my new nickname for it yet) is featured prominently in it now, I just keep mumbling under my breath, cursing that city, which bums me out, cause, hello?! Ocean's movies? And damn, the one I just saw BEFORE we went and loved, The Hangover, shit.... that sucks. Maybe it will go away eventually...
Sorry 'stream of consciousness' going on here, but also, I figured this was the best way to address a friends cut. I mean, it shows who actually READS my posts. I know I have been all but posting NOTHING lately, so I figured I would do a friends cut. If you still want to be on my flist, leave a comment here, and I'll keep you, no questions asked, even if you plan on staying silent in my posts (I am notorious for reading posts and not commenting too, so no hard feelings) I just wanna know who not to cut.