Got this from insaneboingo a while ago, and haven't done yet :P
1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies/pairing/etc.?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
She picked Bones/Smallville and one of my choice (I chose Red Wings, big shocker I know)
1. David Boreanaz, that is it. I pretty much wanna know all I can about him (and hey, any hockey fan is a fan-worhty as far as I am concerned).
2. Well, I'll watch the show, but I have been kinda out of the fandom for a while, since I came here actually...
3. Oh sheesh, my favorite episode is the Christmas one where they get stuck in the Jeffersonian!
4. Used to, and occasionally I still do, but no very much.
5. Well, it isn't all that wanky so I would recommend it, pretty much everyone I've met in that fandom is awesome.
1. Well, I watched the show at first because of Jenny, but what got me INTO the fandom is a couple things. The Clark/Lana dynamic and the music, holy hell I like the music on that show.
2. No clue, not a lot of people like Lana LOL, and I LOVE her, but as long as they play good music, I'll be in there for that.
3. Episode: Um- shit...I had one, but I can' think of it...OH! The one where Clark is human and he and Lana finally have sex! And the one where he proposes and tells her his secret but then she dies, that one had some great acting all around. Oh, hey, and then 'Requiem' and the Lana one right before that from this season... I am sure I could think of more, but I'll leave it at that.
Pairing: Clark/Lana (obviously) and Lois/Jimmy (FriendShip), Oliver/Clark (as foils for one another)
4. Sometimes, when the mood strikes me, but I feel out of place cause so many of them have BEEN in fandom so long, I feel like the new fish...
5. I don't think any more people could FIT in this fandom, it is crazy huge.
Detroit Red Wings:
1. Being born (seriously, it's in my blood), but after I went back home when they were in the playoffs in 98, I was hooked. THEN when I went to my first live game? Sheesh, there was no hope for me ever to return to normal again.
3. I'll go with players (using nicknames either I or fandom has given them): Malts, Drapes, Holmer, Ozzie, Dottie Dottie Datsyuk, Hanky Panky, Valerie (my Dad calls him that LOL, it's not his name) Franzen- Oh shit, who am I kidding, I can't narrow it down, I love them ALL!!
4. As much as I can, but I am just starting to on LJ (usually it's through their website).
5. FUCK YEAH! We welcome all comers! Let's Go RED WINGS!!!