HELL YEAH! My Hockey team is so awesome!!! GO WINGS!!!
I hate posting about stuff with my team, cause well most of you don't care, but we are in the FINALS BABY! And the tickets for this round went on sale, and almost completely
SOLD OUT in 45 minutes! There are only scattered single seats available and Game 2 doesn't even have a final start time yet, and people already bought them up!
So, last night the team won the Western Conference and today the fans showed up to support their fight for the cup!
I love this team, and it's fans. It is SO unifying! No pettiness, no stupid favoritism or anything, just an all around love for the players/team and even the owners (and the non-sport aspects of it). Hell, our Zambonie driver is a celebrity in HockeyTown! (he drives the thing that resurfaces the ice in between periods). It is like being in a huge family that pops up unexpectedly wherever you go! I run into Red Wings fans at the most random places, and it is always SO awesome!
So, in conclusion:
Kick ass, and send the stupid ass KID home crying!!! (None of you will probably understand that, he is a player of the opposite team).
Rematch in Hockey Town BABY! (these two EXACT teams played for the cup last year and I had to get updates via the internet cause I was in Denmark (which I wouldn't trade for the world) but this year, it's like they're replaying it for me! Hee *does happy!dance*
*not at all upset that I'll have to listen to game one via XM instead of watching it cause I already have plans I can't break and will be driving through most of it*
Oh, and random, and probably no one will be able to help, but I NEED a Red Wings mood theme, anyone know where I can get one? I am gonna go look in my wings comms now *scurries off* FOUND ONE! :) *points at all the pretty boys in my mood theme now