Jun 12, 2009 17:22
President Obama,
I believe that anything that comes out of a Presidential administration is a reflection on the President, so I address this directly to you.
I was excited by your campaign and promise of change.
I have agreed with many of the decisions you have made which upset so many. You inherited quite a mess with wars, the banks, the auto-makers, etc.
What I don’t understand is your insistence on treating people as second-class citizens.
You promised to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue, yet it is still in existence. It remains, while valuable people are being forced out when our military is stretched thin. I am disappointed that you aren’t the type of man who keeps his promises.
I am angered by the Justice Department’s insulting motion requesting the dismissal of a DOMA related lawsuit. I know that you are not a supporter of gay marriage and that you do support civil unions, but as we have learned in the past - separate but equal does not work.
I find it interesting that you would have such a position when there were places in the United States that your parents could not wed at the time of your birth. Some believe that these are two very different issues, I do not.
I can understand, to a degree, that as a religious man you have a specific idea of marriage. No one I know is asking any church be forced to wed same-sex couples. What we are asking for is legal recognition of those marriages that many churches are happy to perform. We are also asking for Federal legal recognition of those same-sex marriages conducted by a growing number of states.
I cheered when you announced the closure of Guantanamo. I feel that how we handled those captives was a travesty, ignoring basic rights and due process. The existence of that base has been a black eye on our country. So is the constant relegation of gay and lesbian relationships to a status lower than more “traditional” relationships.
I know that you are a wise enough man to know that very soon DADT will be gone and that in just a while longer same-sex marriage will be accommodated as law of the land. I don’t know why you fight the inevitable.
Steve Eames - US Citizen