strikes again

Apr 27, 2007 22:17

I have been relying on movie rumor sites again for my information. And again I read an editorial by Devin Faraci that i really like. He is clearly one of the best writers on the web in the category of movies (and he likes Battlestar Galactica as well). He is having an editorial war with Moriarty over at AICN. Devin is sick of the fact that AICN posts fake info, knowing it is fake, and expecting that users will sort it out. Here is my favorite quote.
There was once a belief that the Internet would be a great equalizer when it came to information, that without the corporate controllers to suppress what made it on the nightly news we would see more truth creeping in from the fringes. But all I see is more and more bullshit.

I am reminded of this recent post by uppityliberal, right here on our very own LJ.
Pundits BLOW


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