well... I figured out how flickr works and now I am just a bit addicted. HMM. I sense danger close at hand.
http://flickr.com/photos/40686138@N00/ Don't know if that link works or whatever, but my username is ohbara.
ALSO, if you are in Minneapolis next weekend you should come to the MN Ctr. for Book Arts and find me--I have a booth with my friend Caroline selling all sorts of things. 10-5 Sat, 12-5 Sun. mnbookarts.org is their url; the center is located in the Open Book building, which is on 10th and Washington (S), just inside downtown (near seven corners).
ALSO ALSO I hope to have a big ol' SHOP UPDATE for real very soon. As in within the week. If it happens, I PROMISE to have kokeshi, milk bottles, kanzashi kits, etc.
ALSO ALSO ALSO I update every day or so at baradesign.blogspot.com
hope all of you are well!