dongbang, my first love

Nov 16, 2008 02:34

its 2 freaking AM. wut am i doing online still. i have no idea. dongbang):

today was a looong tiring day. cause it was my cousin's wedding. and i dont really like family gatherings all that much. too noisy. too stuffy. and i dont have anyone near my age): so i'm always left to mingle and play silly games with the kids. ohwells.

and yes. all of you must have known the mkmf results by now. and all the shizzle whizzle that happened during the event.

dong bang was my first love. yes they were. no matter how many million fandoms i get into and become obsessed over, your first love never leaves you right? the dong bang boys will forever be numberwun(:

seeing this, this, this broke my heart)): and yes i dont wanna put the pictures here, because i dont want to.
seeing min cry made me cry. i cant remember the last time he cried .. cause it was sooo long ago! he's never cried before! cause he's strongmin! why did he cry)): i reeally wanna reach out and give him a tight hug. i reeally really do.

seeing THIS, broke my heart into another million pieces. jae's tired face and reeally awful eyebags broke my heart.
seeing the boys' disappointment, maybe its not obvious but im sure they felt disappointed. what with the high expectations and all. and worse still, if they felt like they've let us fans down.
AND I DONT WANT THEM TO FEEL THAT WAY! they ought to know that no matter what, their fans will love them unconditionally. i dont want them, neither do i want their fans to blame themselves.


out of all the other groups and artistes, i really feel that dongbang went through twice as much.
in a span of just TWO MONTHS, i thought they achieved what most groups couldnt. that's hell of an achievement. i love you guys. you're my heart, my mind, my soul. and im proud of you guys. and im positive EVERYONE IS TOO. <33
 p.s. making this public. cause i feel like it. everyone should know WHO THE DONGBANG BOYS ARE. they are my eighth wonders of the world(:

p.p.s isnt my min icon just toooo adorable! i loooove it! i hope they get back to their dorky fun happy selves soon<3


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