Update on Life

Jul 25, 2011 20:01

I figured I needed an update since I've been neglecting my journal for a while.  This entry is gonna be mainly about things that have been going on in my life, though I'll talk a bit about Full Circle first.  No, I have not abandoned it.  I'm putting it on hold until further notice.  Please stop sending me messages asking when it'll be updated, because I really don't know.

I'm on a huge Harry Potter kick right now, and Hetalia has taken a backseat to it.  Frankly, I was growing tired of the Hetalia fandom anyway.  It was awkward being the only 20-something-year-old at I-Con at the Hetalia meet.  I feel like it's suddenly gravitated towards younger fans and a lot of them are immature and a bit out of hand.  I'm not saying everyone is like that, it's just that my experiences with them haven't been too great.  I do know a lot of younger Hetalia fans who are awesome, however.

On to Harry Potter!  I have ALWAYS had a thing for the Marauders, specifically Remus and Sirius.  They're my current OTP, and I'm obsessed again.  I just got back from Universal where I went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and had a BLAST!  It was so amazing!  Like actually stepping into Hogsmeade and Hogwarts itself.  I was in heaven.  What's even better is that my girlfriend Kaylie has gotten back into Sirius/Remus as well.  We have cosplays made and are waiting to debut them at Otakon.

That's another thing; I will be attending Otakon this week!  I'll be interviewing for Vidgle, of course, so seek me out if you wanna be featured on the Con Goer!  I might even have the chance to interview some voice actors, and I'm excited!  Kaylie and I will be cosplaying as USUK (myself as England) and Sirius/Remus (myself as Remus) this weekend.  We're driving down and it's sure to be a blast!  We're also sharing a suite with the Vidgle crew!  YAAAY!!

What else?  Hmm...well, nothing really.  I'm hoping to get back into writing fanfics.  I've written two for Sirius/Remus so far, just one-shots.  One was a fill for a kink meme involving WG, and the other was a bit I did on silver.  I have another story going but I dunno where I'm going with it...all I know is that I love the marauders with all my heart.  Harry Potter has always inspired me, and so has JKR.  When I met her in person she told me that I shouldn't ever stop writing.  She's such an inspiration and she's gone through so much that I have.  I feel really connected to her.

So, that about wraps things up!  Lemme know if you guys are going to Otakon!  I'd love to meet some of my readers!  Oh, and Kaylie and I will be doing plenty of fan service over the weekend, so if you'd like USUK or Sirius/Remus pics, come find us!  If you see me, don't be afraid to give me a hug!

Also, Kaylie and I are starting a youtube show for the marauders!  I think it'll be called Bad Moon Rising, but I'm not too sure.  I'll post links once it's finished!  Keep an eye out!

Hope to see you at Otakon!


life, cons, updates, otakon

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