Date: 24.10.2014 | Time: 16:54:41
Original Post More Than 1 Me
Today, the moment I left my home´s Manshon, appeared at the Manshon across the street a man of similar height and clothes as me. [*]
That man was wearing a mask.
Even if, everything in this picture looked too much like me.
A doppelgänger?
I was scared for a minute.
The person catched a taxi and vanished somewhere.
What on earth ...
[*] In Japan are discerned two types of housing complexes. The Apaato (Apartment / アパート), a rented lodging in a usually just a few storey building, without a central secure gate and often rather small rooms. And the Manshon (from Mansion / マンション), a usually purchased luxury residence with larger rooms in expensive buildings with multiple floors, elevators, a communal secure gate, centralized postboxes and more sturdily built, normally of reinforced concrete (RC) construction.