Like any respectable graphics community, unexpected! will keep a list of the resources used for making any graphics. This list will be kept as up to date as humanly possible. C: [which means I will probably update as soon as I save resources, just to keep myself straight.]
brushes, borders, gradients, masks, textures
candycrack [
colortoneinsanefray [
our-wreckagestrawapplewonderland__ [
Blackbird97@deviantARTCrazyKira-Resources@deviantARTManila-Craze@deviantARTMasterJinn@deviantARTObscene-Bunny@deviantARTSanami276@deviantARTSkyTheCat@deviantART images
jdmorgan The Chris Pine NetworkJeffrey Dean Morgan UnlimitedRobert Downey Jr. Web fonts