May 15, 2005 20:15
"123456. these past few days have been unexplanable(spellling sucks.) yeahh, i have been an emotionally rollar coastor. I dont know whats wrong with me anymore..
i hate how it seems like when theres a sport its the only time i fit in, like the only time people talk to me..whatever though. theres only like 18 more days of school left or something, im going to miss it but i think im finally ready to go to central :)
i've released theres this certain person that ill never get over,i'll always have feelings for him no matter how hard i try to deny it.. :( i hate it.
.. i need to become more social and talk to more people and not feel like everyone is just going to say bad things about me, i hate that. latley i've hated alot of things. haha. !#$!@!.
kbyeee. <3