But I won't. So comment on this post so I can. Because I love it. Much like...
So yeah, these are my thoughts on 5x18. I'm not using caps right now. Why? Because I am beyond the point of using caps. My love for this episode has gone beyond... THE POINT OF NO RETURN. Paaaast the point of noooo return... No turning baaacckkk noooowww... Sorry, that's the Phantom of the Opera geekiness breaking out.
I can't rewind right now because my bf is going to sleep, and I have it taped on VHS (YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, I SAID VHS). That TV is in our bedroom. So I've seen in twice, and all these thoughts are from memory. If I add to this, I'll just put an ETA thing. But never mind. This isn't going to be in any particular order.
o1) That was one of the coolest opening scenes EVER. I was so excited when I saw Zachariah (and I love that he introduced himself as "Zach"; he's formal, but he's here to party), ILU Creeper Kurt Fuller! "But he's such a nice guyyy..." Bahaha.
Poor Stewart, though. Zach and Stewart were totally ~bonding, and then Michael (Michael?) had to ruin the party. "When the saints gooo marching in..." Oh, Zach. You are the walking definition of irony. Too bad you is ded now D: I'm actually really going to miss Kurt, he was fantastic! More on that later, though.
o2) I love Dean. I do. And I love Sam. I sympathize a lot with Dean, and I was all sad face when they showed him packing up stuff to send to Bobby, and writing his letter to Sammy... When Sam showed up to stop him? I pretty much cried.
"You run away from everything."
D: Oh, God, Sammy! Jared and Jensen were so wonderful in this scene, my heart was breaking. And Dean, in all his stubborness and sincere belief that there's nothing else that can be done... Ugh, I was just torn between them. And then Cas is there, all bamfy and shit. YEAH, YOU TAP THAT FOREHEAD.
o3) But look. What Dean said to Bobby? "You're not my father." That pissed me right the fuck off. Jim Beaver, for the little screen time he had in this episode, totally broke me with that face. Unbelievable. Me? Broken. Stupid Bobby. And his yelling ("BECAUSE I PROMISED YOU THAT I WOULDN'T GIVE UP!") scared me shitless, though I love that he's fully just like, "Fuck you, you don't get to talk to me like that, and you do NOT get to be a hypocrite." Bobby rocks. But yeah, so Dean was starting to lose me there. But I was still with him, I still had his back...
o4) BUT THEN. THEN. HE FUCKING LOST ME WHEN HE POOFED CAS AWAY. That INFURIATED me to no end, I just... I just couldn't deal with it. And I kid you not, that is when I reached into my fridge and busted out a wine cooler. Supernatural actually drove me (and
piecesfalling and
breaksinmusic bahaha) to drinking.
I have to say, though...
_mournthewicked made a good point when she said that Cas pretty naively just walks into there. "Dean? HERPDERPDERP WUT'S GOIN ON?" You know what else she said? "Cas is the AJ of Supernatural." BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STUPID LIKE AJ.
I just have to stop here for a second, though, and tell you: I broke up with Dean in that moment. I said, "Dean. You and I have to talk. You're doing some fucked up shit, you're betraying Cas, who's done nothing but help you and died for you and lost his faith for you and left his family for you, and YOU'RE FUCKING HIM OVER. That's not okay. So you and me, we're going to have to take a break until you get your shit together."
I still don't quite forgive him for that. I think it was a bullshit move, and I don't give a shit how desperate he is, that is officially when Dean Winchester lost me. And it's not even because I'm a huge Cas fan or whatever, I just... I don't know. Cas taught him that, and Dean used it against him. He doesn't know where the fuck he's sending Cas off to, for all Dean knows Cas could've been killed. And he didn't give a shit? After EVERYTHING? I just couldn't believe it.
o5) Okay, so I love that Cas is walking through the woods by himself, and all I can see is that HIS HAIR IS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. It deserved its own credit, that's how glorious it was. It was PERFECT. Misha Collins, you are way too gorgeous for your own good, I don't even understand how a specimen like you is created. And DAMN, MISHA'S BEEN PRACTICING HOW TO WIELD A KNIFE. I love that Cas is so stealth, he's like, "WHAT? YOU'RE BEHIND ME? WELL, FUCK YOU, NOW I'M BEHIND YOU, AND I HAVE YOUR KNIFE, SO I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" And then he senses Angel #2 behind him, and he's like, "BAHAHAHA FUCK YOU, TOO!"
Why do I think angel murder is so sexy? D: BTW, was I the only one that gasped in concern about the trenchcoat? D:
o6) I just want to make it clear that if this part of my reaction is completely incoherent, it's because Misha drives me to grammatical error and destruction of the English language. Castiel kicked ASS. There's no other way to say it. I'm so glad we got to see the return of Pissy!Cas. First with the petty, "Well, MAYBE they thought you'd be less of a pansy bitch!" and the arms crossed over his chest and the bitchfaces, and slamming the big 'ole metal door shut with his ~mind... And then with the, "FUCK YOU, I'M STILL AN ANGEL, AND YOU WILL NOT FUCK WITH ME." He killed, what... Seven angels, if you count the ones he poofed off with at the end? AND NOT ONE OF THEM COULD EVEN FUCKING TOUCH HIM.
"What are you waiting for? COME ON!"
o7) You have no idea how turned on I was by Misha Collins throughout this entire episode, and I apologize if that's tmi, BUT DEAL WITH IT BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU JIZZED YOUR PANTS, TOO. When he was beating the shit out of Dean? I was like, "AhhhhhOOOOOHHH, yeahhhhh..." It was disturbing, and I'm glad I was alone. I really felt for Cas, though. I'm pleased to see that a majority of people who watched the ep weren't aggro toward Cas for doing that. I was concerned that there'd be a lot of, "Fuck Castiel, he didn't have to be like that, etc." But you know what? Dean kinda needed to get the shit beat out of him. 'Cause let's face it, he was being kind of a bitch. And if I were Cas, and Dean douched me over, I'd be pissed, too. "I GAVE UP EVERYTHING FOR YOU, AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?" Yeah, yeah, not the exact quote. It's 2am, cut me some slack.
I thought it was interesting that Dean told him to "do it," kill him. Did he really think that Cas would do that? It makes me wonder whether he would kill Cas, if the roles were reversed. I don't think so, tbh. And the fact that the thought even crossed Dean's mind shows how... desperate he is. So here, my sympathy for him started to come back. Dean doesn't want any of this. He never asked for this. But here he is, faced with a decision: say yes or let Adam say yes. To Dean, those are the only option available. Until Bobby or Sam says, "OH HEY, we found another way!" there wasn't going to be another option. He doesn't want to die, hell no. And yes, he puts himself in the martyr position a lot, but c'mon.. He doesn't have too much of a choice here.
But Cas. He helps him up. Because they're a team. And they love each other. That really just got me cryin' again because dammit, Jensen and Misha are GOOD.
And that, "What happened to him?" "Me." line? YEAH, YOU DID, CAS. GIVE IT TO HIM.
o8) So I still haven't talked about Adam. I'm actually quite bitter because I accidentally ran across a promo pic of Jake Abel in Bobby's house, so I knew he was going to be in the episode. But he KILLED in this episode. He was SUCH a Winchester. Although it makes me sadder and sadder every time they talk about what a shitty father John was. Really? At this rate, if you ever do get the chance to have JDM back, he's not going to want to come back because he won't want to play such a douchenozzle! But anyhoo, the whole Adam thing was just... Ugh. Sadness in my heart. The poor kid, he was all happy in heaven and then... Busted out, just to be used as bait.
Seriously, you take one look at that and tell me he's not Dean Winchester's brother :P Anyway, I was quite impressed with Jake's performance in this episode, he was great. I'm glad to see they brought him in as a possible vessel (though I have no doubts that was a decoy bullshit plan), continuing the whole bloodline thing. I mean, it makes SENSE that they'd be able to use him, but Sam was right. Why now? They could've done this a long time ago. I'll probably have more to say upon further viewings, but to be honest? All I can really think of when I think about Adam's appearance is how hard
woodstarling must have fapped when she saw him. Bahahahaha. Sigh. It's funnier in Enochian.
o9) Cas's "Maybe they're moving on from you." Bahaha so much for subtext. Ladies and gentlemen, we have pure text. Cas is so PMSing right now, and I love it. Dean's bitchface at that was awesome, too.
10) Sam and Dean are "erotically co-dependant." That is all. Actually, that is NOT all, I am just mind-bottled at how frickin' homo this episode was bahaha! SO MUCH GAY, IT WAS GLORIOUS. See below.
11) Okay, ya'll, I don't think it's a secret that I'm a Dean/Cas 'shipper. I mean, I LOVE SASSY. It makes the world go round. But Dean/Cas is my OTP. So when Dean told Cas to blow him? And Cas made that face? To me, it screamed, "HERE?! BLOW YOU HERE? IN FRONT OF EVERYONE?" And Dean's face after was like, "Ah, fuck."
Also, "THE LAST TIME SOMEBODY LOOKED AT ME LIKE THAT, I GOT LAID." FOLLOWED BY ~*THE WINK*~. It was a-frickin-mazing. After the "Blow me," I was like, WOW. Okay. Awesome, but y'know, it's a figure of speech, I guess. But then this happened. And I realized that the writers are totally catering to the fans. Because it's the 100th episode. And they want to rock our worlds. With these lines, and the "erotically co-dependant" line... Damn, how do they expect us NOT to ship these pairings? THEY'RE MAKING IT CANON.
BRB LOLZING. Dean totally de-virginized Cas tonight, let's not even try to deny it.
I was reminded by
piecesfalling that this should say:
Speaking of which, I'm going to take this oppurtunity to plug
mmm_sha. Go join it.
But I was really sad that Cas told Dean that he didn't believe in him. I can see where he's coming from, and I totally get why, since Dean was pretty much a dick to him the entire episode, but uh... Cas. Way to not be encouraging here. When he busted out that box cutter, though, I was like, "Ruh-roh!" And uhhh... WHERE IS REMOVAL OF THE TIE GIFAGE? BECAUSE THAT THIS FELT SO EPIC. Seriously, this episode was like watching The Lord of the Rings with all its epicness.
oywidapoodles found me Tie!Removal gifage! WOOT!
13) Soooo, what? For like, two seconds, Michael was in (~in) Dean? So he was able to kill Zach? How sick were his angel wings, by the way, I FRIGGIN' LOVED THAT. I love this show so much. But yeah, so... Michael was in and out of Dean? Because if Dean said 'yes,' and Michael was in him, was Dean just like, "PSYCH!" with his mind and Michael had to gtfo? Is that what the idea has always been, or is this something that has only recently been introduced? Like, the vessel has to be always willing, otherwise the angel in question must vacate itself out of the body? I mean, obviously Cas wasn't able to get back into Jimmy because Jimmy was unwilling until he realized his daughter was going to be the vessel. So I guess that means Nick is still willing to let Lucifer stay in him, though I'm guessing that's because Lucifer keeps him "asleep" the whole time. I guess I understand it, but I don't know... It just seems so convenient? Hmm.
14) This is my brief Zachariah tribute area because I really am going to miss that dick. Kurt Fuller provided such great humor and smarminess and charm, and Zach really was actually a great character. Never forget: SIX HEADS. ONE OF WHICH IS A LION. Rest in Hell, Zach. Rest in Hell.
15) I also don't think for one second that Michael took Adam as his vessel. There seems to be speculation going around on that, but I'm firmly in the He's-Not-Adam camp, and that's certainly without knowing anything about future episodes. I'm totally unspoiled, so I don't know if Jake Abel will be back before the season ends (and please don't tell me either way). But I agree with Sam's assessment of the angels' back-up plan being "fishy," and what with Zach being all, "Jay kay, we're not giving you what we said we would," I think it's clear that it was all a trap to lure Dean to the green room so that they could use Adam (and Sam) as a way to get him to say yes. So where'd Adam go? Did Michael take him back to Heaven? WHAT? I WANT TO KNOW.
And by the way...
Yep. TWO WINKS, people. That's how special this episode was. That look right before the wink, where you KNOW he changed his mind... GAHHHH, JENSEN, WHYYYYY!
16) I loved Sam and Dean's talk at the end.
_mournthewicked said she hasn't felt this hopeful after an episode in so long, and I totally agree. Jared said at LA Con that Dean and Sam's relationship had to get better before it got worse. He was so right. Things had to go down the shitter, and now the boys are finally back on track. I don't think their relationship will ever be where it was. But I do believe that in this moment, they've finally begun to trust each other again. Dean and Sam don't want to disappoint each other, and I don't think Dean really meant what he had said earlier about believing Sam would actually say yes to Lucifer. He said it in the heat of the moment, to make Sam get angry enough to leave him alone... But Sam doesn't. And that's what saves Dean. He believes in Dean, Sam's the only one who's kept the faith since they discovered God ditched out, and he's essentially the one who is responsible for kinda saving the world from the angels' paradise right now. What a beautiful story arc for him, I feel like only now is Sam really being given the redemption he deserves. And Dean, of course, won my affections back when he FUCKING WINKED.
17) I just have to end on this. Friends. THIS.
THIS BLEW MY MIND. When Misha said Cas was getting his shirt torn, I assumed somebody slashed at him with a knife or something. BUT KNOW. CAS BAMFED HIS OWN SHIRT. FUCK ME. FUCK ME SIDEWAYS. AND THEN DO IT AGAIN. NIPPLE!FRECKLE, I remember you from 24, and I've missed you! Let's be best friends again. Because I've been obsessively, creepily been watching that gif ALL NIGHT LONG. And I made an icon out of it. Which I REALLY want to use, btw. And DAT HAIR.
Yep. Ooh, and I love that the light goes into the shape of a cross. This creative team is GENIUS. Guys, seriously. This has been one of the best SPN episodes EVER, in my opinion, and every single person that was a part of it made it AMAZING. I didn't think it could be as wonderfully awesome as I was excited for it to be, but it totally exceeded my expectations. Tenfold.
I am so impressed, and I'm literally tearing up right now because I have so much love for this show. I know there have been a lot of people who have been open about their disappointment, but I feel like this episode (if not the past two, because they were utterly beautiful episodes, as well) should be the one to change that disappointment. I am endlessly defensive about show, and I will always, ALWAYS be a loyal fan, to the very end. I need this show, it's a part of me. And that may sound nutty, but it's true. This show has changed my life in so many different ways, I can't even begin to describe it. This episode has absolutely cemented my faith in Kripke and the rest of the team, and I am so proud of what they've accomplished.
I can't believe we're so close to the end of the season. And I also can't believe that we are lucky enough to be getting another! All of who you think a season six isn't the best idea, I'm sorry, but I am SO stoked on it. I don't think I realized how much I live and breathe this show until tonight, but it means the world to me. Season six? Bring it on. I will welcome it with open arms because it means I get more of something that I've loved for the past five years.
So just... Thank you, Supernatural. You really outdid yourself tonight, and you blew my mind. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us in the last few episodes!
I feel like there's more that I wanted to say. But I honestly don't really remember all of what I wrote anyway because there's an ASSLOAD of shit in there. But I loved this episode so much, and I would love to make this a discussion post of sorts (SANS SPOILERS PLEASE, DNW THEM) because I'm so jazzed about it. So please, talk to me! Thoughts? Questions? Profound realizations? Let's party!