(no subject)

Dec 20, 2006 12:41

okay, kitties. today is the day i wrap my presents. lawlz, i know, i havn't even begun to wrap them yet. and i likely won't until i am prompted by mum. owait, she's already prompted me! ha.

so last night was terrific! i went to the damien show in Chicago, and wowowowow it was wonderful. i had complete shite seats, but it was still beautiful. i'll need to save a bit of raving on for my next hour, so end raving ehre. [/rave].

my bestst pally told me she didn't even miss me yesterday even though i was gone an entire day! and entire fucking day, and my best pally doesn't miss me one wink!!! grr in my pants. i'll show her when i don't call her tonight.

i can't find my maths or French books and homework. i'm convinced i left them in my maths classroom, but the teacher says she hasn't seen them. slag. i bet she's hiding them. that or i left them in bielen's room again, which is entirely possible. i'll pop down there fast to see if that's the truth. if not, i know the slag of a maths teacher is lying, bold-faced and true, to me. lolz.

why am i writing so much in my LJ lately? *she asks her LJ* oy. i really must be quite bored. i blame it on lack of friends.

some kid named josh nelson that i vaguely remember doing the announcements well apparantly killed himself. idk why. i plan to ask Bee next hour.

yuck i don't want to go to maths. i missed two tests yesterday. thankfully, i didn't miss one in maths. in french and history. sadface on the history front, as i have yet to study in the proper way, but oh wellz.

perhaps i should do something productive, but what could i possibly do? nothing, that's what. i could look at bob, but i've already done that. i could annoy the kids in the library around me and get kicked out by singing the Nickmas song. or i could sit here and rave on some more.

right. so anyway. my sister comes in from Florida on Friday. i hope i get called into work. i really don't want to spend too much time with her. not that i don't like her, but we get along a whole crapload better when she's not at home. thank gott that she's only staying a little after Chrimbo.

i really hate chrimbo. i just want it to be over with already. like now. i want to get rid of all the prezzies that i have to wrap and open all of mine. then i plan to clean my room, because it's absolutley aweful. did i spell that right? anyway, no joke kids, it's really bad. i should've cleaned it this weekend, but instead i took the liberty of sitting on my ass all of sunday after shopping all of saturday. in heels.

jesus gott this is long. if anyone has got this far in reading my awful rave, kudos to you. a thumbs up or something, because i would've clicked ex by now.

i found this new band (well actually they found me) on myspace, called the Tatianas. they're really fucking good, they sound like the libertines and dirty pretty things and such. really fucking good, i really want to order their disc, only i don't know if they even have one because i can't find anything else on them. seriously. i'll put a link whatever in my whatsit, and if anyone reads this that likes or knows or is in the Tatianas, please comment with some info or a link. all i know is that they're french, and that they don't have a link (that i could find) on their myspace to their website. but i really like them. they're damn good.

speaking of damn good, i LOOK damn good today. only my mum had the nice, er, whatsit to say so. she told me i looked great like three times this morning. and i do. i really tried. i'm wearing my black pants with a red belt and my gorgy red shoes and a black tank with my new little red shrug thing that i bought yesterday before i went to chicago. i forgot to put on the red headband that matches the belt and shoes, though. i'll do that when i get home.

when i logged onto this computer, i automatically expected the background to be an ugly blue or gray colour, but instead it was a collage of a very crazed-looking anime character. it was hilarious. i hope no-one finds out about the cartoon man on the background. it's a nice, reassuring thing, you know? it's nice to know that someone knows how to override the system, etc.

makes me want to start a revolution or something. but i am much too tired. instead i'll annoy the entire next hour (French) by singing the Nickmas song. here is a taste:

on the first day of Nickmas, my true love gave to me...
A ride on a sparkly pony.
on the second day of Nickmas my true love gave to me...
two squishy boobies and a ride on a sparkly pony.

it goes on from there with three sexy bandmates, four flailing fangirls, five shiny thiiings, six ladies tshirts, seven tasteless patterns and eight hours of sexing.

why only eight? because it's only the eighth day of Nickmas, of course! i wouldn't want to ruin what your true love will give you.

the bell has rung. guten nacht!

french, rants, suicide, josh nelson, the tatianas, maths, damien rice

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