After having an awful time nursing #1, and stopping after about 4-5 weeks, I was DETERMINED to make it at least to 1 with #2, ideally until 2. However, this kid is driving me up the wall. He's 8 months old and is the strangest nurser I've ever seen. For the past 3-4 months he's been STANDING on my lap to nurse, whipping his head around, unlatching to "talk" to anyone he sees (including family pets) and blowing raspberries/pinching whatever skin he can find. He's a fantastic nurser while I'm lying on my side though. We've tried sitting in a quiet place to minimize distractions - but seeing as he's the 2nd boy, his entire life is a distraction. I've tried to position him with his legs on either side of me whilst he's sitting on my lap, and while that works, my torso is too long/he's too short to have it fully be comfortable. I'm starting to dread every time he nurses now because the most distracted he gets the lazier his latch is.
Any suggestions? Positions to try? Ways to keep him focused? I feel I'll be in for one hell of a ride with this kid.
(also, I should note that I work 20-30 hours a week so some of my time is spent pumping, and he feeds from a bottle without the wiggling and acrobatics)
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