I'm two quarters and a heart down

Nov 06, 2005 19:38

I'm obsessed with the buildings they have at Central Park in Fredericksburg.

We had to have breakfast and lunch at McDonalds.

Serwaa danced with Brian.

And Philip.

& Rachel.

&& the most amusing thing I've heard all day,
my mom went through the pictures of everyone, and decided she though Ryan was the cutest and best looking.

:x: name :x: brittany
:x: first name backwards :x: ynattirb
:x: birthdate :x: july 11th
:x: birthplace :x: hospital
:x: current place you live :x: louisa
:x: parent’s names :x: angie and dave
:x: their age :x: 41? and 38
:x: siblings :x: 1
:x: school :x: lchs
:x: length of time at school :x: too long
:x: best teacher :x: i guess shirk
:x: piercings :x:ears
:x: tattoos :x: none
:x: height :x: 5'3
:x: shoe size :x: 8
:x: hair color :x: brownish red
:x: length :x: medium

:x: LAST… :x:

:x: movie you rented :x: something with a little girl and a dog
:x: movie you bought :x:it's been too long
:x: song you listened to :x: dance dance
:x: song that was stuck in your head :x: kiss the girl
:x: cd you listened to :x:HIM ray charles
:x: person you've called :x: i don't know
:x: person that's called you :x: no one
:x: tv show you've watched :x: dunno
:x: person you were thinking of :x: ryan probably

:x: DO… :x:

:x: you think you are pretty? :x: not really
:x: you think you are funny? :x: no
:x: you think you are friendly? :x: i try to be
:x: you think you are amusing? :x: i dunno
:x: you think you are ugly? :x: maybe
:x: you think you are loveable? :x: i don't know
:x: you think you are pessimistic? :x: sometimes
:x: you think you are optimistic? :x: i try
:x: you think you are caring? :x: yeah. or i try
:x: you think you are dorky? :x: if i am oh well
:x: you have a bf or gf :x: yep
:x: you have a crush on someone :x:sure
:x: you like your family :x: not the family i live with
:x: you want any siblings :x: i dont even like the ones i have
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else :x: doesnt matter
:x: you think about suicide :x: not anymore really
:x: you believe in online dating :x: whatever. i dont care
:x: others find you attractive :x: i don't know
:x: you drink :x: no
:x: you do drugs :x:ha no
:x: you smoke :x: no
x: you debate a lot :x: no
:x: you have/want a cell phone:no
:x: you like cleaning :x: no
:x: you like roller coasters :x: no
:x: you write in cursive or print :x:print
:x: you carry a donor card :x: no
:x: you like candles :x: mhmm they're nice
:x: you like hot wax :x: yep
:x: you like incense :x: yep
:x: you believe in love :x: yep
:x: you believe in soul mates :x:yep
:x: you believe in love at first sight :x: i dunno
:x: you believe in forgiveness :x:its hard but yeah


:x: using someone :x:against
:x: suicide :x:against i guess
:x: killing people :x:against
:x: teenage smoking :x:no different than adult smoking
:x: premarital sex :x:doesn't matter to me.
:x: driving drunk :x:against

:x: FAVORITE :x:

:x: food :x: dunno
:x: song :x:a lot but main one is bowl of oranges
:x: thing to do :x: listen to music
:x: thing to talk about :x: i dunno
:x: sports :x: whatever
:x: drinks :x: orange juice
:x: clothes :x: whatver i see that i like
:x: movies :x: scary
:x: holiday :x: halloween
:x: word :x: fuck
:x: nickname :x: none
:x: guy name :x: draven
:x: girl name :x:sonnet
:x: eye color :x:green
:x: flower :x:white rose
:x: piercing :x:whatever
:x: actress :x:charlise theron
:x: actor :x: joaquin phoenix

:x: HAVE YOU :x:

:x: ever cried because of a guy/girl :x: yeah
:x: ever lied to someone :x: yeah.
:x: ever been in a fist fight :x: no
:x: ever been arrested :x: no
:x: ever been to Belgium :x:no

:x: NUMBER :x:

:x: of times you have been in love :x:1?
:x: of times you have had my heart broken :x:none
:x: of hearts you have broken :x:none
:x: of people you would call true, could trust with your life type friends :x:3, if that
:x: of people you consider my enemies :x:whatever
:x: of times your name has appeared in the newspaper :x: dunno
:x: of scars on your body :x: a few
:x: of things in your past that you regret :x: nothing really


:x: wallet :x: dont have one
:x: hairbrush :x: purple
:x: toothbrush :x:red and white
:x: jewelry worn daily :x: black bracelets
:x: pillow cover :x:not sure
:x: blanket :x: flowers on it
:x: sunglasses :x: white
:x: shoes :x: lots.
:x: handbag :x: with kids on it
:x: favorite top :x: i dunno
:x: what you are wearing now :x: orange tank top & capris with pink hearts
:x: hair :x: ugly
:x: make up :x: none

:x: WHO or WHAT :x:

:x: in my mouth :x: my tongue
:x: in my head :x: brain
:x: wishing :x: i could talk to ryan
:x: talking to :x: no one.
:x: eating :x: nothing
:x: person you wish you could see right now :x: ryan
:x: is next to you :x:bed
:x: something you're looking forward to in this up coming month :x:nothing
:x: something that you are deathly afraid of :x: being alone
:x: you want done with your body when you die :x:thrown into a river
:x: is your worst enemy :x: whatever
:x: if you could have any animal for a pet :x:cat
:x: the latest you've ever stayed up :x:dunno
:x: can you eat with chopsticks :x:i'm not very good with them
:x: are some of your fave. pig out foods :x:i dunno
:x: you miss that you haven't seen in a long time :x: my grandmother
:x: you want to make happen for tomorrow :x:i want tomorrow to be a beautiful day
:x: THIS OR THAT :x:

:x: chocolate or strawberry :x:strawberry
:x: pen or pencil :x:pen
:x: black or red :x:red
:x: Google or Yahoo :x:google
:x: e-mail or snail mail :x:e-mail
:x: chair or desk :x:desk
:x: hearts or stars :x:hearts
:x: light or dark :x:dark is sexy
:x: day or night :x:night duh
:x: loud or quiet :x:i like being in loud areas


:x: black :x: night
:x: pencil :x:work
:x: cup :x: water
:x: paper :x: canvas
:x: car :x: away
:x: house :x:hate
:x: water :x:beauty
:x: beach :x: shells
x: ink :x: hands
:x: cake :x: icing


:x: listen or talk :x:listen
:x: write or read :x:write
:x: be deaf or blind :x:blind
:x: sing or play :x:play
x: paint or draw :x:paint
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