- Full Name: chantel ashley aftab
-- Birth date: february 5, 1990
-- Birthplace: Henry Mayo Memorial Hospital, Valencia California
-- Current Location: Canyon Country
-- University: Stanford forsure
-- Eye Color: green/blue
-- Hair Color: blonde
-- Height: 5'4"
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Your heritage: american[heritage?]/italian/pakastani/irish/french
-- The shoes you wore today: black rainbows
-- Your weakness: procrastination
-- Your fears: being alone/the dark/being in a fire, robbery, volcanic eruption, tornado lol
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: become sucessful Psychiatrist, have a law degree[my father`s doings], and just be happy with myself... oh and more recently.. make Varsity Cheer
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: a;lskdjfa;slkdjf [spaz]
-- Your thoughts first waking up: ugh.. how many days untill summer/how can i fake sick this morning!!
-- Your best physical feature: umm.. maybe hair/teeth lol.. everyone says my teeth are like blindingly white
-- Your bedtime: whenever i`m finished w/the hw that i put off.. probally like 1 am
-- Your most missed memory: playing club soccer and being considered an "ideal player".. hmmmmmmm.
-- Pepsi or Coke: red bull.. i gave up diet pepsi.. and now yeah
-- McDonald's or Burger King: neither.. blah
-- Single or group dates: single
-- Adidas or Nike: jack purcells
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: green tea
-- Chocolate or vanilla: peppermint
-- Cappuccino or coffee: black regular coffee
-- Smoke: no
-- Cuss: it`s so dirty and unattractive but yes
-- Sing: um i shouldn`t outloud but i do.. llol yes i`m THAT bad
-- Take a shower everyday: umhm
-- Have a crush: crushes.. plural.
-- Do you think you've been in love: not yet.
-- Want to go to college: not "want".. "need" lol
-- Like high school: actually yeah
-- Want to get married: eventually.
-- do you believe in yourself: in certain things.. i try though
-- Get motion sickness: no.
-- Do people think you’re attractive: not sure. maybe?
-- Think you're a health freak: yes.
-- Get along with your parents: yes.
-- Like thunderstorms: they freak me out.. but they`re awsome to cuddle to. lol.
-- Play an instrument: piano.
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: yes.
-- Smoked: no.
-- Done a drug: no.
-- Had Sex: still a virgin.
-- Made Out: nope.
-- Gone on a date: no.
-- Gone to the mall?: yes.
-- Eaten sushi: today actually sushi. Sushi is <3.
-- Been on stage: umm... yeah.. cheer nationals.
-- Been dumped: nope.
-- Made homemade cookies: yep w/kelly a few days ago.
-- Gone skinny dipping: nope. my pool is green lol.
-- Dyed your hair: like highlighted?. if so yeah.
-- Stolen anything: nope.
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes.
-- If so, was it mixed company: this question is dumb.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yeahhh.
-- Been caught "doing something": nope.
-- Been called a tease: as a joke.
-- Gotten beaten up: how scarry. no.
-- Shoplifted: never.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: um. i guess to a degree.
-- Do you hope to get married: of course.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 3. nikki, ryan, chloe.
-- How do you want to die: fast. like w/o pain.
Where you want to go to college: Stanford. if i don`t get in .. i might die.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Psychiatrist and have a law degree [i know dare to dream chantel]
-- What places would you most like to visit: australia [i`m going to live there when i grow up for some time], paris, bahamas, italy, jamaica
In a guy..
-- Best eye color? hazel
-- Best hair color? sandy/dirty blonde
-- Short or long hair: longish/like shaggy long
-- height: at least 5'9"
-- Best weight: ripped.
-- Best articles of clothing: rainbow sandals and cute boxers.
-- Best first date location: the beachh.
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0.
-- People you trust with your life: 4. not including family.
-- Number of CDs that I own: um not sure.. but alot.
-- Number of piercings: 6, all in my ears.
-- Number of tattoos: 0...for now.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: like 4 times..
-- Number of scars on my body: about 3 big ones.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: 2 things.... ugh i always regret them. damn.