(no subject)

Nov 23, 2004 16:49


Current mood: borded.
Current music: Led zepplin: All my love
Current taste: Crakers                                                                                                                                  Current hair: messy ponytail
Current clothes: jeans and a pink shirt
Current annoyance: my dog
Current smell: mandiren ginger
Current thing I should be doing: homework
Current windows open: aim and aol
Current desktop picture: some kind of blue
Current favorite band: led zepplin and pink floys alkaline trio the vandals at the drive in and taking back sunday.
Current book: the diary of anne frank                                                                                                  Current cd in stereo:a ix of alkaline trio and taking back sunday and at the drive in
Current crush: hehe!
Current favorite celeb: kate hundson
Current hate: boys!.

~Do I~
Smoke?: used to
Do drugs?: used to
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yes
Remember your first love?: yes
Still love him/her?: not in the same way
Read the newspaper?: nope. it smells.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?:NO! I wish
Actually Believe in miracles?: kind of                                                                                             Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: of course
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: yeah i guess
Consider love a mistake?: nope!
Like the taste of alcohol?:no.. i like the feeling of being drunk though!
Have a favorite candy?: watermelon sour patch
Believe in astrology?: dont now what that is.
Believe in magic?: uhm.. no ?
Believe in god?: sort of my religon is independent religonness
Have any pets: yes a dog ner name is brittney
Go to or plan to go to college: yes of course
Have any piercings?: no!
Have any tattoos?: no..i want one though!
Hate yourself: Sometimes
Have an obsession?:..not really
Have a secret crush?: yes i think so
Do they know yet?: nope
Have a best friend?: yes
Wish on stars?: nope!
Care about looks?:Yes i do! i guess you cna say I am shollow

~first times~
First crush: Micheal routh
First kiss: 5th?
Single or attached?: attached
Ever been in love?: yes.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yes!                                                                                           Do you believe in "the one?": yes i do.

~Juicy stuff~                              Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: nope
Have you ever been intoxicated?: yes
Favorite place to be kissed?: My lips                                                                                                 Have you ever been caught "doing something?": YESS!
Are you a tease?: Yes
Shy to make the first move?: yeah.

~Word association~
Rubber: .
Peanut: sandwich
Hay: hello
Cold: shivering
Steamy: shower
Fast: service
Freaky: sex
Rain: cold

Hair: strawrberry dirty blonde hair
Eyes: blue
Height: almost 5'4

~LAST THING YOU~             Bought: burrito,cookie, and water
Ate &Drank: tamele
Read: anne frank diary

club or houseparty: houseparty
beer or cider: beer
drinks or shots: drinks
cats or dogs: dogs.
single or taken: single
pen or pencil: pen
gloves or mittens: mittens
food or candy: food!
cassette or cd: CD.
coke or pepsi: pepsi
This or that: this.

kill: nobody.
get really wasted with: i dont know                                                                                                  look like: .jessica simpson
be like: not me
avoid: my mom

~LAST PERSON YOU~           talked to: danielle and sarah
hugged: micheal
instant messaged:sam

eat: wherever
cry: my room?.
wish you were: with my friends!

Dated one of your best friends? nope
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? nope
Drank alcohol? yes!
Done drugs? yes                                                                                                                            Broken the law? i dont know i guess yeh.
Run away from home:yes
Broken a bone: no
Played Truth Or Dare? yeah
Kissed someone you didn't really know? yeah
Been in a fight? nope

The most embarrassing CD in your collection:Ja Rule
Your bedroom like?: blue pink and green
Your favorite thing for breakfast? thos potato thing, but i never really it them.
Your favorite restaurant?: Sids

What's on your bedside table?: alarm clock, lamp, cell phone, conatainer kind of thing, lotion, nad papers.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?:nothin i really dont do that anymore
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: I dont have one
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: mY thighs 
What is your biggest fear: sharks and blacl widows and my mom when she screams and dieing.
What feature are you most insecure about?: thighs
Do you ever have to beg?: nope
Are you a pyromaniac?: not really                                                                                                        Do you have too many love interests?: nope
Crushes? yes!
Do you know anyone famous?: no
Describe your bed: blue  with these stupid flowers.(i need a new bed thing majewgure)
Spontaneous or plain?: spontaneous.!
What do you carry with you at all times?:my cell phone
How do you drive?: I dont havent tried
What do you miss most about being little?: no drama!
Are you happy with your given name?: no i hate it to death an my last name omg the worst well my whole name is stupid.

What color is your bedroom?: the wals are light pink and light green
What was the last song you were sum play: i d k
Who are your best friends?: Danielle and libby and other people
Do you talk a lot?: omg yes!
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: no omg
Do you think you're cute?: ew..uh..no
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? they kind of scary me but i feel kind of bad.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: yes..! i guess so!
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: depends.
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: aww..!

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