May 19, 2006 16:37
Okay sooo I'm bored and I figured I'd update this ishhh since I never do.
Today was Adam Tyler Requia's 17th birthday. I made him a sweet card :) hahaha
Tonight I'm hanging out with Paulieee motherfuckin Ureneck again! :-D i loveee hanging out with him :)
We have a game tonight at 8 at Fitzy against Kennebunk, but they can go fuck themselves :) I made plans and I'm not gonna cancel them to go chill in the rain for two hours. Stupid rain.
Tomorrow I'm going out to get my nails and toes done with Bekey from worrrk. Maybe haircut too? Not sure. I gotta make a hair appointment for prom asapppp. And I need to call my aunt about getting a hotel room for after. Ughhh, so much to doooo!
Saturday night I'm hanging out with Ben White from Sanford :) it should be a good time. Any girls wanna hang out with us? Cuz he's bringing one of his friends.. and I have like three friends that are girls and they're all going to a prom that night hahaha.
Adam Anthony Austin is home. :) I only got to see him last Sunday for a little while though. We went out to breakfast and then just hung out at his house for awhile. It was sooo good to see him, but I dunno if I'm gonna get another chance to see him before he leaves or not. I probably wont :( He's gonna be in Fort Stewart, Georgia until December, and then he's supposed to be coming home for Christmastime. Then he's going to Iraq in January :'( I'm so scared. I'm not having a good day though sooo I dont wanna think about that and make it worse.
My dad, stepmom and brother ((and the rest of that side of the family)) are all going to OBX tomorrow. Assholes. I sooo wish I could go, I need a vacation. And this rain is KILLING MEEE!
I have to pee.
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