(no subject)

Apr 18, 2006 03:40

oh boy. so tim, dave, danielle, and i went on an adventure on wednesday night into
grey cloud island. for those of you who don't know of it or have never heard of it, it is
really a little town right outside of cottage grove. it's a white supremecy town. no jokes.
it's really creepy out there and if you get in there and fuck around..the people will
seriously almost kill you to get you out. there is also a KKK group that lives in there.
there is this little white building with no windows or anything where they meet. and
there is also a camp that NOBODY goes to because NOBODY has heard of it and it has been
believed that members of the KKK meet there and do rituals. huge fires have been seen from
there as well. so we are all driving around. nobody is at the KKK building and the cemetary
isn't really hopping either. so we decide to take a stop to look at the camp. well well well.
right when we pull into the end of the road before the driveway for the camp, headlights
appear in the driveway all of a sudden and come towards us.

side note: dave has been chased out of the area before.

so dave is like.."TURN THE FUCK AROUND AND DRIVE. SERIOUSLY. GO!" he is scared shitless.
so we drive and i am telling tim to slow down so the car can catch up with us because i
wanted to see if it would do anything. well..it's a big ass ford truck. like no joke.
KKK style and everything. well he gets on tims ass and flashes his brights and shit and
by then, i was screaming, tim is almost peeing his pants, dave is just sitting there
freaking out and danielle is laughing at all of us freaking out. well this dude is close
as shit to tims car and backs off occasionally. keep in mind that this road we are being
chased on is really narrow and curvey and it's dark out. all of a sudden i turn around and
i don't see anything. i am like.."where the fuck did he go?" then he turns his lights back
on as he is getting close as fuck. THIS KKK DUDE SERIOUSLY TURNED HIS LIGHTS OFF AND IS
FOLLOWING US. like what the fuck. tim is trying to drive as fast as he can because this dude
following us means business. he doesn't want us snooping around his KKK shit and doesn't
want us in his town. fucking nigger bitch chased us all the way out of grey cloud. it's
giving me chills just thinking about it. i am freaked out still. i mean shit, it was
exciting as all hell but DAMN. that was some scary shit. my mom made me promise to never go back.
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