(no subject)

Jul 23, 2006 21:12

Tutorial #2 - Singin’ in the Rain (PSP 8)


in Paint Shop Pro 8 (translatable)


My base is from capthat
Crop and sharpen using unsharp mask, settings: radius, 1.00; strength, 75; clipping 7 (or whatever combination works better for your base.)


Add this gradient (it comes with PSP I’m fairly sure) at Lighten, 60%

3. Duplicate your background and drag it to the top, set to Screen, 100%


Add this texture by colorfilter , Screen 100%


Also by colorfilter, also Screen 100%

6. Duplicate your background again, drag to top, Soft Light 100%


Add this tiny text brush by me, or create tiny text of your own (I usually use Courier New, size 1, with a high kerning) in a color picked with the dropper from the icon. The “>>>” symbols above were written in Courier New, size 4, with a kerning around 600.

And that’s it!

The great thing about this icon is you can change the color of it using the colorize feature or by adding a color balance adjustment layer… or a whole variety of ways actually… so you can make it whatever color you wish to match your layout du jour.

For example:

For best quality results, save a .png

Feel free to adjust the different opacities, layer settings, brushes, textures… be creative! Comments are greatly appreciated. :)

tutorials, singin in the rain

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