Icon Tutorial #1: Dance (PSP 8)
in PaintShop Pro 8 (translatable I’m sure)
I got my image from Getty Images. Crop, and sharpen if necessary. If your image is not black and white you may want to desaturate it.
Add the following:
#FCC43C, hard light, 28%
#BE9429, overlay, 88%
#0A1230, lighten, 100%
5. Duplicate the last layer (#0A1230) and set to exclusion, 98%
6. Duplicate the background layer, drag it to the top, and add a Gaussian blur (Adjust >> Blur >> Gaussian Blur) with a radius of 1.00
Soft light, 92%
7. Add this texture by
Lighten, 100%
8. Add this tiny text brush by me, or just type in tiny text of your own (I use courier new font, size 1, with a rather high kerning… just fiddle around until you get something that looks nice) in a dark green color.
And voila!
For best quality results, save a .png
Feel free to adjust the different opacities, layer settings, brushes, textures… be creative! Comments are greatly appreciated. :)