It is that time again. The time where I need to change myself on the outside too. Where nothing is enough. I'll tell it to you straight. I have mounds of dark hair on my head. It is thick. It is wavy because about eight months ago I begged desperately for a perm. It's been brown for years now. For a while reddish. For a while those golden highlites. Even a few pink streaks when I could get away with it. But what I really deeply desire is a reckless yearning for platinum blond tresses. I want to put on my red lipstick and black sunglasses, thrown a one piece bathing suit and the let summer be mine. The battle has begun. This is one of those decisions I can't make alone. My friends are often my mirror. My best friend Ilana, she says "do it", she is one of the few who has adored my head every time I've burned my scalp with peroxide. My friend Hartley says I'll have to ditch the tan-- but I have a naturally olive complexion and unless I slather on the sunscreen, I'll get color. My boyfriend just looks at me wanting to say "please don't do it", but instead he does a thing where he acts like all my decisions are up to me. Like t's all about free will.
The summer is mine. I know it's yours too. In the summer I feel weightless (maybe from crash dieting or driving with the windows down) bu the summer is mine. And this summer, I want a mop of blond hair. So dear Internet, I'm asking what you think. Here is a smattering of photographs, some of me through out the years and some of celebs who have locks that I crave.
So who do I get to be?
the battle for my hair begins