(no subject)

Sep 06, 2005 13:30

Current taste: lemon ice.
Current clothes: sweats, white tank top.
Current annoyance: fat people.
Current smell: ralph lauren romance for men hah.
Current thing I ought to be doin: smoking or something other than this.
Current desktop picture: nothing.
Current favorite band: spice girls. ok.
Current book: yea..
Current cd in stereo: raffi.
Current crush: my boyfriend.
Current hate: fat people

-:-Do I-:-
Smoke?: for sure.
Have sex?: me? ew no.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: sometimes.
Remember your first love?: still going.<3
Read the newspaper?: you wish.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: probably
Believe in miracles? not really
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yea.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: totally.
Consider love a mistake?: nope.
Have a favorite candy?: mexican candy. RESPRISENT.
Believe in astrology?: i dont care.
Believe in magic?: no.
Believe in god?: yup.
Have any pets: yes.
Go to or plan to go to college: yes.
Have any piercings?: yea.
Have any tattoos?: ew. no.
Hate yourself: nope.
Have an obsession? like you wouldnt believe.
Have a secret crush?: nope.
Do they know yet?: slut.
Have a best friend?: yup.
Care about looks?: yes.

-:- L-O-V-E L-I-F-E -:-
First crush: jesse jimenez.
Single or attached?: attached.
Ever been in love?: yea.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: not really.
Do you believe in "the one?": i so do.
Describe your ideal significant other: black hair. blue eyes. peircings&tattoos. dresses hott. tall. tan. oh wait that would be my boyfriend. duh.

-:-Juicy stuff-:-

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: yea.
Have you ever been intoxicated?: helll naw.
Favorite place to be kissed?: stomach.
Are you a tease?: hah. no.
Shy to make the first move?: nope.


Hair: black
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'7"

-:-Last thing you-:-

Bought: starbucks.
Read: vogue.
watched: your dad.

-:-EITHER / OR-:-

Club or houseparty: both.
Beer or cider: niether.
Drinks or shots: drinks.
Cats or dogs: bu-bbbbbbbbuuuzzzz.<3
Pen or pencil: who cares.
Gloves or mittens: gloves
Food or candy: both. hah. i sound so fat.
Cassette or cd: records.
Coke or pepsi: diet coke.
This or that: its like this and like that

-:-Who do you want to-:-

Kill: no one fool.
Get really drunk with: my babey.
Be like: me?
Avoid: fat people.

-:-Last person you-:-

Talked to: my abuelita.
Hugged: my abuelita.
Instant messaged: nicke.
Kissed: taylor.

-:-Where do you-:-

Eat: under my bed.
Cry: in the movie theater.
Wish you were: fat. not.

-:-Have you ever-:-

Dated one of your best friends? nope
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? for sure.
Drank alcohol? never.
Broken the law? nigga i be a criminal and shit.
Run away from home? honestly if running away was a sport id be like a pro.
Broken a bone? never. thank god.
Played Truth Or Dare?: haha yea.
Kissed someone you didn't know? si.
Been in a fight?: i fuked that two faced fat ass bitch uppppp. natalie abate.
Come close to dying?: probably.

-:- What is -:-

Your bedroom like?: um if i had one.
Your favorite thing for breakfast? bagel & orange juice.
Your favorite restaurant?: i dont know.

-:- Random Questions -:-

what's on your bedside table: asjaldkfj
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: whatever i can get my hands on. haha. psyche.
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: god, i cry during like every movie even disney. LION KING definately.
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: my hairline, i want a bigger forhead. lie.
What is your biggest fear?: never being close to my family again.
What feature are you most insecure about?: i have a butt chin. i wish it would just pop out. yea fuking right. ew.
Do you ever have to beg? beg your mom to get off me hoe.
Do you have too many love interests?: nope.
Do you know anyone famous?: i am famous.
Describe your bed: square.
Do you know how to play poker?: boring.
What do you carry with you at all times?: chapstick.
How do you drive? gay question.
What do you miss most about being little?: my dad.
Are you happy with your given name?: im like pretty much inlove with my name & so are you.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for a year?: a lot.
What color is your bedroom?: N/A
What was the last song you were listening to?: Raffi-peanut butter & jelly.
Have you ever been in a play?: yup.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: just recently started.& i love it.
Do you think you're cute?: who doesnt?
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: im too nice.

i swear, im not usually this bored.
suck it bitches.
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