Fic: Fools to Truth (2/?, Ten/Rose, Martha, Jack, the Master, PG-13)

May 31, 2008 18:09

Title: Fools to Truth (2/?)
Author: salienne
Betas: hippiebanana132 and lunaserenade. You two are both absolutely wonderful, thank you so much!
Characters: Ten/Rose, Martha, Jack, the Master
Rating: PG-13 (will go up in later chapters)

Summary: AU where Rose didn’t get trapped in Pete’s World. She (and Martha) were there throughout S3. Also, at the end of LotT, the Master isn’t shot.

Post-LotT. With the Master aboard the TARDIS, Rose and the Doctor must learn to coexist with the Time Lord who, for a year, destroyed their lives and the lives of all those on the planet below. A story about change and choices, about the growth of relationships and the unforeseen consequences our decisions can have.

Spoilers: Through “Last of the Time Lords”
Disclaimer: I own a Doctor Who mug, but I accept that’s not quite the same thing as owning the show with all of its brilliant characters and plotlines. Those belong to the producers, the actors, and the BBC; I’m just borrowing for a bit.

A/N: Hey guys, I’m really sorry about the long delay for this chapter (almost two months!)-exams wreak havoc on the free time front. I hope some of you wonderful readers are still interested, though, and most of all, enjoy! :)

As I say in the summary, this is a world where, post-S3, Rose, the Doctor, and the Master must live aboard the TARDIS together. Currently, all parties are still aboard the Valiant, the Doctor working 24/7 on rebuilding the TARDIS as the Master sits in his cell nearby.

The Fic: One week and three days later, the TARDIS is ready to fly.

x-posted to time_and_chips

tenth doctor fic, fic

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