i hate you volume.23923492349239492394299988777772342364728

Aug 31, 2008 03:44

yeah i hate scott. so much. its not even funny.

so he was sick since urghhh tuesday i think. then on friday i get sick and he is basically fine or almost fine.

on thursday night i WALK to the store and buy him exactly what he asks for with MY MONEY. and this is like at 11:00 pm so i'm having anxiety about being attacked when i see two men walking behind me behind the desolate back parking lot of shaws
- a half gallon of o.j.
- a gallon of orange sherbert ice cream
- a can of clam chowder
totaling to mere $10

i'm sick on friday- miserably sick- crying sick - can't sleep for more than 10 minutes at a time.
idiot/asshole won't go to the store for me citing that "i'm sick too" while he's on the computer for fucking hours and i can't even fathom looking at a computer screen.
i WALK to the store myself and buy myself some medicine.
walk back- am super pissed off at him that he couldn't be bothered to get me medicine.
i need more medicine and its about 11:00 pm i give him $20 i tell him to go to shaws or stop and shop which are both open until midnight and buy me a PACKAGE of medicine i give him the other package that i had so that there is no confusion as to what to get him. he takes fucking forever like 2 hours calls me numerous times and says oh they dont have that this is what they have and i hang up on him because he did not go where i told him to ---he was at fucking 7/11 which wants to fucking RAPE me for the cost of one dosage of medicine. he comes back with to single doses and says this was all i could find and it was $4 i ask him what happened to the rest of my $ he says oh well i put $10 in the gas tank and i bought two cheeseburgers for myself so i say ok---$6 for 2 hamburgers? and he says no i have the change. well where is it? in my pocket i'll give it to you in a minute.
do i ever get the supposed $4 thats left? no. basically the major theme i got out of this incident was that he is more important than sick me and wasting my money has no bearing on him whatsoever and that he HAD to get to mcdonalds before midnight and therefore could not get to the store to buy me a package of medicine. oh i had also asked him to get me a gatorade which he did not "i was so caught up in finding the medicine that you wanted that i forgot"

wake up today at 6:30 am and go back to sleep about an hour later wake up at like 1pm and shockingly he's actually here and on the computer
i tell him i need more medicine and ask him to go to the store for me---does he go? no. he sits on the computer for 10 more minutes or longer i get frusterated and say fuck it i'm just going to go myself---does he try and stop me? no. i go to the store get more expensive medicine b/c i can't bear to leave the house long enough to go to shaws or stop and shop which is literally like down the street---i can't handle roaming through aisles at this point....and get my long awaited gatorade.

i call my work and tell them i'm not coming in and lisa basically hangs up on me--(fuck you too bitch!)

dushebag says he's going to go home to take a shower and change and says he'll bring me back some food and medicine.

i give him $10 i say i want- a whopper NO FRIES AND NO DRINK AND A !!!PACKAGE!!! OF THE MEDICINE THAT I'VE BEEN TAKING
he leaves at 2


with 2 whopper jrs - a small h.c - and ONE FUCKING PACKET OF BENADRYL ALLERGY
- i don't have allergies right now d-bag i have a fucking cold!!!!!!

he just doesn't listen to a fucking word that comes out of my motherfucking mouth.

i ask him where my change is for that as i know it was once again only like $4 so he pocked the $6? i mean it doesn't sound like a big deal its-$6 but thats taking 60% of my money. thats like not working-sitting on your motherfucking ass and then taking 60% of the person who works money. seriously FUCK THAT

and if you figure in the whole gas thing b/c he USED that $10 worth of gas. thats me using $4 out of $20
so i spent $8 out of the $30 that i gave him thats me spending 26% of my money and him spending the other
74% and he's been smoking my cigarettes too!!!!

and i'm sure that he's fucking loving this me being sick thing b/c now he can milk me even more than usual. basically these last two days have showed me how fucking careless, mean and inconsiderate and above all else amazingly SELFISH he is.
i don't love him
don't want to love him. b/c he doesn't love or care about me.

also i've been up since 11pm and he's not been here and now its past 4 am and he's still not here....took off with my car....i called him around 3 and of course lately he doesn't answer his phone anymore just like earlier today when i called him and he didnt answer. he just wants to do whatever he wants with everyone elses money and car and etc....

he's prob at his dads with some girl i'm good- so done.

whatever-----> screw
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