Samwise in Love has three more chapters

Mar 14, 2004 17:46

Title: Samwise in Love (parts 6-9 of ?)
Author: Brenginee
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Samwise struggles with feelings he can't identify.
  • Canon: Every effort is being made to keep to book-and-movie canon. However, in order to keep this a unique tale, some exceptions are made. This tale assumes that Sam had passed the age of 20 by the time Frodo arrived in Hobbiton.
  • Bisexuality
  • Het content
  • Voyerism
Characters: Sam, Gaffer, Daisy, May, Marigold, Hamson, Halfred, Frodo, Bilbo, Merry, Rosie, Ted Sandyman.
Disclaimer: Frodo, Sam, Hobbiton, the Shire, and most other characters and settings are the creation of J.R.R. Tolkien. I do not receive any payment of any kind for the work contained herein.
Feedback: any and all--any kind, to any extent--is always welcome. Please comment if reading, even if it's just "I'm reading."

Summaries of chapters up to this point:
  • one: Sam makes new friend and receives a mathom
  • two: Flowers and stories: Sam's garden gets some attention, and so does he.
  • three: A rescue and two confessions at the Green Dragon
  • four: Sam and Frodo visit the Bracegirdle sisters
  • five: The wrong courtships are happening
  • six: Sam is surprised by a late-night conversation
  • seven: Sunday evening is interrupted by questions
  • eight: The post arrives bringing mysterious news
  • nine: A reunion in Greenfields

Find it here:

I haven't posted the actual fics to this or any other community because I'm hoping readers will "subscribe" at brenginee. If you subscribe and if you are 17 or over, you will have access to NC-17 chapters. All PG-13 chapters are public.

Apologies for the Cross-posting.
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