a short update on my life.

Feb 22, 2005 14:31

1. kelly and i are going to florida on saturday. my mom built this ridiculous house down there and no one is living in it at the moment so that means we have a free place to stay. its going to be much warmer than boston, we are going to be alone in a giant house for a week, there is a hot tub, and an elevator. yeah. i think this is a much needed trip for both of us.
2. i am usually pretty down with cold air and snow and all that.. but seriously guys, im really sick of winter.
3. i have been going to the gym as much as i can. exercising makes me feel really good and gives me so much energy. also, the gym i go to is for ladies only.. this is a serious plus.
4. i am kind of disappointed/bummed about this one thing but its okay because i am used to being disappointed when it comes to this aspect of my life that i am so vaguely talking about right now. oh well. i'll get over it.
5. the other night when i was coming home from kelly's house i was waiting for the 66 in allston and this lady was there talking on her cell phone real loud and the bus didnt come for a long time so i listened to her conversation for an extended period of time. here is what i got from it: someone had kidnapped her sister ( i think it was her baby's daddy (the sisters) ), this lady was saying she would 'rip fresh's (the name of the kidnapper) balls off' if her sister wasnt returned safely that night before midnight, she then talked about how she was going to call the police and the police would 'fuck fresh up' if he didnt return her sister, and that fresh would be sent to jail and 'you know what they do to assholes in jail'... she would hangup the phone and then laugh REALLY loud and say 'people are SO stupid' and then smoke a cigarettee while laughing and then call someone else and ask them about ransom. dude. this was really weird and i didnt know what to say so i kind of just nodded my head and said, 'yeah, people are stupid, huh...'
6. school this semester is pretty awesome. ive been taking almost exclusively history courses for the past three semesters and im used to writing 10-15 page papers every few weeks. well, this semester i am taking all sociology/anthropology classes and the longest paper ive had to write is 5 pages. most of them are 2 - 3. this just means that i procrastinate that much more and wait until 7am the morning before my class to write my papers.
7. i wish i could hangout with josh every day because then my life would be complete.
8. ive been cooking a lot lately and i made this soup the other day with roasted garlic and its SO GOOD. emily tells me it looks like liquid poop but no seriously.. it tastes like heaven. garlic rules.
9. boston drags me dowwwwwn most of the time.. but new hampshire brings me back up. its only a few months until warm weather though. i will like boston more when i can walk everywhere and when there are farmers markets and when i dont have to wear this stupid coat. my button fell off today and i dont even care!
10. the new season of the L word started two nights ago and i got to watch it with kelly & reuben and it was so great. this is totally going to be a weekly thing because seriously.. i cant think of a tv show that i have ever liked more than this one. not to mention the fact that kelly & reuben are the best company i could ask for.

tell me about your life.
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