[Accidental Video] Rule 11

Nov 22, 2010 22:40

[At first, all that's seen is a hand covering almost the entire screen. Guess who accidentally hit the video button when he really meant to punch the off button for his alarm? When his hand moves away, meet a semi-frazzled, slumped over the desk in a state of half-consciousness Joshua.

He's not a happy kitty. For one, he's got a headache from all the noises he's hearing. For another, Joshua can also feel himself coming down with an honest-to-God cold. Fuck human immune systems, man.

And Joshua still doesn't notice that the SFC is on. He just wants some more sleep. Blech.]

what would sanae say, where's sanae when you need him, not used to being more human, what would josh do, blech blargh, wtf is this tomfoolery, just need sleep, neku needs to distract josh, mondays suck dude, composers catch colds, cranky composer get?, illnesses suck doods, stupid curses

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