First, two paragraphs of preface:
In the interest of my not having to waste keystrokes debating whether Sex Is Ebul, let me just say that this essay assumes ours to be a
Sex-Negative culture, and that I will be taking a
Sex-Positive tack. If you don't know what these terms mean, please to be following the above links to Wikipedia before reading
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Except! The slash community, abstractly through fic, and I really don't know what I would have done without that support while I was a teenager and coming to terms with the fact that I'm queer and genderqueer, and now that I'm older and coming to terms with the fact that I have "deviant" sexual tastes. I haven't even gotten to know many other slashers personally, but just the fact that other people write stories where characters are gay and are still admirable people, and stories where characters have and love sex and are still admirable people, and stories where characters have and love incredibly kinky sex and are still admirable people, and that people enjoy and admire my stories where I depict the's extremely affirming and empowering.
So yes. It is so important for us to keep writing slash. And now, if you don't mind, I'm going to write some more on that Doctor/Master fic I have going. You know the one. :D
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