Jun 16, 2009 12:28
I found a movie that I liked. Just, yknow, on its own merits and everything. Yeah, I was amazed, too.
I think at heart I'm a feel-good-movie kind of guy, but the usual feel-good-movie fare is like, completely inaccessible to me cos it's always about Babies or Mawwiage or just generally some sort of hetero bliss. Far from making me feel good, this stuff usually makes me feel alienated and angry when it's presented as something I should find life-affirming or enjoyable.
I claim not to be a movie snob, but then I won't watch zombie flicks or romantic comedies or anything that has Will Farrell in it. So I submit for the jury my evidence of non-movie-snobbery: Blow Dry. It's a film I never heard of before yesterday, made in 2001, and my best friend and I stumbled upon it because it has Alan Rickman and his sexy sexy voice in it. I love this film for several reasons, but mostly because it's queer inside like Hairspray, and not like Brokeback Mountain.
Yeah, it's seriously about a hairdressing competition, and everything happens just like it should, and the cheaters don't win, and an old lady even gets her hair done, and Joss Whedon would hate it. Go watch it.