So guys...Obama. Fuckin' awesome.
Mavis had an Obama party at her house so I sat there eating chips and dip, cracker jacks and pizza watching him kick ass. We were switching from CNN-CBC-FOX-ABC and then eventually The Daily Show. We heard the announcement officially from Jon Stewart. It was perfect. We freaked out and screamed, slammed our drinks together in a matter of cheers-ing.
We were some happy fucking Canadians. In the end, America doesn't mean dick to me. But watching everyone and listening to Obama's speech was really touching. I am glad he won. His battle isn't over, it's going to be a long road. He is inheriting so many issues and it will take more then four years to correct.
Bush and his entire administration were bad kids in the back seat for too long. Obama is turning this fucking car around.
I can't remember what else I was going to say.
More happy Canadians here: